Forty-fifth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | February 16th, 2022 |
Start Date | Afternoon Kirkuyey 10th 261 IM |
Start Location | Nexus of Eriquat, Nether World |
Ending Date | Morning, Kirkuyey 12th 261 IM |
Ending Location | Various Jalinjeri locations |
Prev Session | Forty-fourth Session |
Next Session | Forty-sixth Session |
The Forty-fifth Session began with the party at the base of a set of stairs in the Nether World. [Hedgewind Jalinbeti]] and Asil remained joined up with Rayjok Halperion, Panamon Cree, Obsidian Black and Mira Nephilim. Having just vanquished a pack of Demons, the party was readying for a rest. Unfortunately, there was a demonic ruckus coming from up the stairs and no time to rest or explore was at hand.
Moar Demons![edit]
Panamon Cree sent a magical eye up the stairs to investigate the demonic ruckus. There were indeed three large demons preparing themselves for a fresh assault on the party. Meanwhile, the party retreated to within Rayjok's circle of protection. Once protected, the negotiations began, Panamon demanding that the demons take them to the leader.
To his surprise, the demons agreed and bade the party come up the stairs and accompany them to the leader's chambers. The party didn't trust this deal and remained in the circle. Eventually, after illusory footsteps of the party walking away were cast down the opposite hall the demons rushed, shouting "Arise!"
And Even Moar Demons[edit]
To the party's right the half dozen coffins supposedly containing the bones of Ortalyk royalty cast off their lids exposing boney, winged, and dog-like demons. The demons rushing down the stairs immediately realized that they had been duped by the footsteps and clambered back up the stairs. The dog demons were shooed away by Asil who issued forth a mighty "Shoo!"
All but one of the dog demons fled. The remaining one attacked but did not last long. The party directed eventually their attacks up the stairs. The three demons became two, and when asked again to be presented to their leader, one agreed and dropped to a knee. The party quickly dispatched the dissenter with Asil ultimately ripping its head off.
Strange Observations[edit]
The remaining demon, who called himself Kausar escorted the party to his boss. The party followed except Panamon, who was bringing up the rear and conducting his own investigation. He discovered a room with a half dozen Bloodcasters in it, those being tended by some of the rock-picking demons the party encountered when they first arrived. Sensing immediate harm, Panamon cast a wall of light between him and the Bloodcasters. Hedgewind disintegrated the remaining demon.
Meanwhile, the party followed Kausar to a central chamber that was oddly reminiscent of an ancient Temple of Woden. The central alter of the temple had a large brewing ooze of what appeared to be blood. Attending the chamber were three Very Large Demons and what appeared to be a warlock casting a ritual spell over the oozing blood.
Shetani the Defiler[edit]
Rayjok Halperion wasted no time in stomping into the room and casting another magic protection circle. The party, bidden forth by Kausar joined him in the circle where they engaged the warlock Shetani the Defiler. Rather than resorting to immediate violence, which can get old after an eternity, Shetani decided to hear what the party had to say following this most unprecedented intrusion.
On behalf of the party, Mira Nephilim explained that they needed Shetani to stop making Bloodcasters because they were wreaking havoc on the material plane. Shetani said that his Bloodcaster minions were not destined for anywhere but the Nether World. Mira went on to explain that they were assisting the Garis in their war. Shetani responded that he had never heard of such a thing as the Garis.
Then Obsidian Black asked why he would be helping Shardenzar of the Council of Nine. Shetani bristled at the name Shardenzar and eventually, the conversation turned to where it was deduced that Shardenzar might be stealing the Bloodcasters to the material plane. Shetani eventually agreed that he would help to fetch back the Bloodcasters if the party were to deliver Shardenzar.
Shetani cast a golden coin to Obsidian Black saying, when Shardenzar is prepared to be transported, whisper to this coin and toss it into the air. With that, Shetani bade the party look about his lair and behold his collection, but that they should return to the material world as soon as possible.
Crystalline Trophies[edit]
Led by Kausar, the party was directed around the halls of the former Ortalyk palace. The most notable sights were the collection of nearly twenty Bloodcasters. The other notable artifacts were two crystal statues, perfectly human-sized, representing Nickar and Zoranthar of te Council of Nine.
The statues were more detailed than any craftsman could ever make... and the party deduced that they were most certainly prisons for the persons they represented. Hedgewind Jalinbeti mentioned that he had no idea how they might free these souls and was unsure if shattering the crystal would have the desired effect. The party, having seen enough returned to the prime material Otan, and went for a few much-needed drinks at The Bar with No Name.
Post Hell Wrapup[edit]
Mira Nephilim retrieved her adoptive dragon and joined Rayjok Halperion, who with Togzhan Kuat's help teleported them all back to Halperion Keep.
Panamon Cree checked in with his various contacts around the world... he learned that the Æelfes had been booted out of Jagalik by the new commander of the Araldar navy. Then finally he bravely met with his patroness Æski. He explained to Æski that Shardenzar stood in his way. She accepted this information and vanished.
Obsidian Black retired to his secret place, accompanied by Asil, presumably to play board games and drink tea.
Cabinet Reports[edit]
Halperion Prefecture[edit]
Cabinet Postion | Name | Report |
Deputy Earth Minister | Spire | Batis has declined to ship us grain. They are apparently involved in a local war and will not export foodstuffs until the war effort is resolved to their complete satisfaction. |
Finance Minister | Gulshara Rysbek | The new taxation programs are very unpopular with the people. Dragons will not and can not pay taxes, many having lost their hoards. Revenue is lagging and military spending may have to be cut. |
Master of Spies | Kenzhe Farkhad | None. |
War Chief of the Halperion Irregulars | Nuradin Danijar | Desertions are high, especially among the Ortalykshilar not from this region. They are leaving Halperion to join a new sect in Jalinbeti under the daughter of the former Tsar, Princess Svetlana Zhurek. |
Minister of Dragons | Togzhan Kuat | The dragons lament the taxation of their eggs and will pay no more. They are pleased with the habitats and lairs being built for them by the local Ungir. |
Minister of Justice | Ulan Kizik | Anarchy! |
Mayor of Halperion | Merey Evnika | Building materials are in short supply. Food is in short supply. The tent cities are becoming more and more unbearable for their residents. Many more permanent residences need to be constructed soon as the summer won't last forever. |
Minister of Ortalykshilar Affairs | Suleimen Zhasulan | There are rumors that the Zhurek Dynasty continues and will try to take back Ortalyk from the Garis. Most of the Ortalykshilar migrants would probably leave if this comes to pass. |
Minister of Sigis Turgindar Affairs | Kairat Kulyash | The Sigis Turgindar are livid that no effort at all has been made to contact the Sigis Empire. The people want to hear news from their former home. |
First of Halperion Dweorges | Caladan Temir | Mining has begun. It is too early to predict results. |
Halperion Fire Boss | Madi Mavlan | The local Ungir have captured a considerable stash of Garis weapons from the Battle of Halperion. It has been requested that they turn over these weapons to the Jalinjeri government, but this is in violation of the agreement with Halperion Prefecture. Some profit should be realized! The Ungir have been tirelessly making homes for dragons and re-creating earthworks to protect the city of Halperion. Demanding their weapons stash without compensation is an outrage. |
Halperion Grendel Horde Chief | Nurtas Umitzhan | Ungir complain too much. Humans complain too much. |
Ælfen Circle of Hyperion | Aydana Altyngul | Restoration efforts in the Balagash Forest have begun, however, Garis defense forces continue to hamper conservation/restoration efforts. Something must be done! |
Weekly Statistics[edit]
Revenue | Population | Food | Trade | Military | |||||
Income | 0 GP | Immigration | 0 | Production | 0 Osmina | Imports | 0 GP | Recruitment | 0 |
Spending | 0 GP | Emmigration | 0 | Consumption | 0 Osmina | Exports | 0 GP | Losses | 0 |
Surplus/Deficit | 0 GP | Net Change | 0 | Surplus/Deficit | 0 Osmina | Surplus/Deficit | 0 GP | Change | 0 |
Treasury | 0 GP | Population | 270,000 | Storage | 0 Osmina | Total Troops | 50,000 |
- an Osmina is roughly 100kg of food.
Food shortages imminent!
Aspanjalisi Prefecture[edit]
Cabinet Postion | Name | Report |
Minister of Agriculture | Zhanik Zaure | Farmers have arrived in the region. Planting of very short-season legume crops is underway. |
Minister of Magic | Saduakas Yermek | The bridge has been completed and various merchants have taken an interest in the town. |
Weekly Statistics[edit]
Revenue | Population | Food | Trade | Military | |||||
Income | 0 GP | Immigration | 0 | Production | 0 Osmina | Imports | 0 GP | Recruitment | 0 |
Spending | 0 GP | Emmigration | 0 | Consumption | 0 Osmina | Exports | 0 GP | Losses | 0 |
Surplus/Deficit | 0 GP | Net Change | 0 | Surplus/Deficit | 0 Osmina | Surplus/Deficit | 0 GP | Change | 0 |
Treasury | 0 GP | Population | 24,000 | Storage | 0 Osmina | Total Troops | 0 |
- an Osmina is roughly 100kg of food.
Everything Amiss in Otan[edit]
There is a new link for this: Everything Amiss in Otan.
Player Notes[edit]
Add some notes here if I have any (important) errors or omissions.
Copyright © 2021-2025 by Robyn Blaber and Will to Power Games. All rights reserved. Content on this website may not be reproduced without written permission of the copyright owner. |