Nickar Nurzat
Race | Human |
Nationality | Ortalyk |
Archetype | Spellcaster |
Religion | Wodenism |
Home | Towers of Eriquat |
Factions | Council of Nine |
Associates | Shardenzar Sardarbek, Zoranthar Zhanat |
5e Equivalence | Wizard (20) |
5e Alignment | Neutral Good |
Nickar Nurzat is a prominent member of the Council of Nine and permanent resident of the Towers of Eriquat. He was also one of the principal signers of the Concord of Kala Astanals. An older wizard, Nickar's usual past-times include refining magical spells and recording magical recipes and histories.
In youger days, Nickar Nurzat was a sworn champion of Human and and Ælfen kind. He championed the Human forces, particularly those of Ortalyk and Soltustik during the Grendel War, sometimes personally intervening on the battlefield. On more than one occasion he clashed toe-to-toe with his arch-rival Zoranthar Zhanat.
It was only after being convinced by his friend Shardenzar Sardarbek, that the continuation of the war would lead to some calamity that he agreed to bury the hatchet with his old enemy. It was after this that the three mages joined to form the Council of Nine.
Future Ambitions[edit]
Nickar Nurzat's future ambitions are unknown.
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