Concord of Kala Astanals

From OtanWiki
Concord of Kala Astanals
The Concord of Kala Astanals
Author Shardenzar Sardarbek
Language Otani language
Genre Peace Treaty
Known Copies Many
Format Scroll
Year Written Kazan 7th, 251 IM
Pages/Scrolls 7 (estimated)

The Concord of Kala Astanals brought the Grendel War, which had pitted humans versus non-humans in massive battles. The two main aggressors in this war were the country of Ortalyk and its allies led by Nickar Nurzat, now of the Council of Nine. Maercland and its allies made up the other side, led by Zoranthar Zhanat also lately of the Council of Nine.

The two sides were brought together by the venerable sorcerer Shardenzar Sardarbek, who foresaw the war bringing about the end of all of Otan. The concord was signed at the outside the Citadel of Kala Astanals by the leaders of each of the warring nations.

The concord not only attempted to end the war, but to normalize trade between regions as well. Some provisions include:

Signing nations must...

  • ...cease any and all acts of aggression toward any other signing nation.
  • ...cease any and all acts of espionage against any other signing nation.
  • ...allow fair use of seaways for trade and travel by signing nations.
  • ...allow trade envoys from all other signing nations unless a Petition of Objection is made to the Council of Nine for specific envoys.
  • ...allow the entry of religious clerics and other religious envoys from other signing nations.
  • ...inform other nations if they have taken prisoners from any signing nation for any reason.
  • ...allow for exchange of prisoners with other signing nations.
  • ...alert the Council of Nine if any aggression is made by another signing nation.