Everything Amiss in Otan
From OtanWiki
This is a continually updated list of anything and everything that is possibly not good in the Lands of Otan. These issues may or may not have a bearing on the party's play or courses of action, however, these issues will continue to unfold in their own way with or without party interaction. For example, an ignored conflict could escalate into a war between nations, a missing person might be key to a greater conspiracy, etc.
General Otani Issues[edit]
- Mira Nephilim has learned that the four remaining Qurilissi (builders) are the sole survivors of their race, having once been employed by and then exterminated by the gods.
- Memory. No one in Otan, not even the gods, has a single memory, nor a single written note dating before 1 IM. The year is now 261 IM. No one knows what became of Otan's history.
- Death doesn't seem to work properly for everybody on Otan. Re: Death Machine, Obsidian's afterlife, rising undead.
- The price of diamonds (for resurrection/reincarnation) has risen 100 fold and might be hard to find at that price.
- Every five days, clerics and warlocks lose their power and are unable to create magic for a day.
Ælfgarad Issues[edit]
- The Ælfgarad navy was shamed by the rapid rebuilding of the Araldar navy and has been dispatched from Araldar waters.
Aydahar Issues[edit]
- The Altinqor is occupied by Garis forces, though the siege on the capital region has been broken.
- Obsidian Black and the Eldest of Aydahar awoke a great number of dead dragons. This has disturbed members of the Nether World.
- There is a nexus to the Nether World in the Kazinasi Citadel.
Batis Issues[edit]
The Batis are in a civil war!!!
- The Batis nation is refusing to export food to other nations.
Council of Nine[edit]
Panamon Cree has become the defacto leader of the Council of Nine.
- Humanity seems to have lost a "game" played within the council, which will end in the destruction of Otan.
- The Council of Nine has three members from the Sewoch continent (the 4-armed creatures).
- The Council of Nine has three members from an as yet unknown continent. These creatures seem to be insectoid in nature.
- All three of the former humanoid members of the Council of Nine, are trophies of Shetani the Defiler in the Nether World.
Dweorgen Issues[edit]
- The League of Dweorgen Miners trades openly with the Garis, who buy up their steel and diamonds.
- Dweorges do not seem to be able to beat Bubbles Littlefoot at games of chance.
Garis Issues[edit]
- There is an ongoing shooting war. The Garis, though greatly diminished in troop size, have a strong navy and air force able to dominate most of the rest of Otan.
- The Garis Defense Forces are incredibly capable and have not ceded a single cubit of territory since the war began.
- The Garis occupy Ortalyk. The Tsar of Ortalyk is missing and presumed dead. The heir apparent to the Tsar is missing and presumed dead.
- The Garis occupy the eastern country of Sigis. The Emperor of Sigis is missing and presumed dead.
- The Garis navy sunk the Araldar navy. The Grand Admiral of Araldar is missing and presumed dead.
- The Garis occupy most of the Altinqor and have until recently, surrounded its capital region. This siege may have been broken, for now.
- The Garis occupy the Caliphate of Ontustik. The Ninth Lotus of Aspan has set up a government-in-exile in the country of Jalinjeri. Most of the Flowers of Aspan who survived the assault have remained behind to protect and guide their people.
Jalinjeri Issues[edit]
Jalinbeti Prefecture and Halperion Prefecture are dangerously short on food and building supplies.
- The food and supplies shortage in Jalinjeri is causing a great increase in the crime rate as people resort to stealing food.
- Jalinjeri is overrun with refugees
- With winter coming, food shortages are already causing panic in the minds of the people.
- Hedgewind Jalinbeti is the Garis' enemy #1.
- Hedgewind Jalinbeti seems to be in very poor health, possibly from over-use of the Death Machine.
- The Garis might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
- Halperion Prefecture has a lot of dragons in a small space.
- None of the Jalinjeri prefectures have seasoned governments and may not be up to the task of managing the country's everyday problems... let alone the exceptional problems.
- There are few trees for securing lumber and building in Halperion is proving difficult because the nearby Balagash Forest was mostly burned down.
Nether World Issues[edit]
- It appears that there might be some Otani history out on display in the Nether World that is not known in the material world.
- Denizens of the Nether World may have been co-opted by the Council of Nine for reasons unknown.
- Shetani the Defiler from the Nexus of Eriquat seems to be collecting prominent Otani spellcasters.
Ortalyk Issues[edit]
- Ortalyk is completely occupied by Garis defense forces from the coast to the Jalinjeri border.
- Batil Zhurek, the Tsar of Ortalyk was lost in battle in Karagay and presumed dead.
- Princess Svetlana Zhurek, the heir-apparent to her father, Batil, is a guest of Hedgewind Jalinbeti. It is unknown whether she is interested in assuming the crown and attempting to take back Ortalyk lands from the Garis.
Sewochi Issues[edit]
The Sewochi are ready to invade Otan and kill every living thing on the continent.
- There are green 4-armed creatures known as the Yewiha who can be found on the Otani coastal regions. They kill everything they come in contact with from turtles to whales to sailing ships.
- There is a portal near the Towers of Eriquat which leads to the Sewoch continent. There, one can find several varieties of Sewochi creatures, many of whom are very powerful.
- The Sewochi communicate only through telepathy and seem to want to simply kill any living (Otani) thing they encounter.
- The green Yewiha have dropped golden stones that enable deep-sea navigation, explaining how they got to Otan.
- The lava-loving Nebelibali have dropped blue stones that yell at Panamon's brain.
- Dragons, which seemed to have an easy time of killing the Yewiha, have been mostly murdered by the Garis and no longer remove the creatures off the southern coast.
Other Issues[edit]
- There's stuff going on that you don't even know about, and it's really serious!
Player Notes[edit]
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