Halperion Prefecture

From OtanWiki
Halperion Prefecture
A Map of Halperion
Country Jalinjeri
Capitol Halperion
Head of State Rayjok Halperion
Government Earth Minister of Halperion Prefecture
Location Jalinjeri
Land Area 5,576 sq. miles
Population 283,000
Founded 1st of Silde, 261 IM
Founded by Rayjok Halperion
Settlements Halperion
Halperion Prefecture Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 5,576
Rural population 283,000
Urban population 44,541
Total population 327,541

Halperion Prefecture is a prefecture of 28,539 souls in the country of Jalinjeri. Halperion Prefecture is administered from the provincial capital Halperion by the Earth Minister of Halperion Prefecture Rayjok Halperion.



Halperion Prefecture is a prefecture of 28,539 souls in the country of Jalinjeri.


Halperion has a number of goods and services. Venues include:

Local Factions and Personalities[edit]

Player Notes[edit]
