Shardenzar Sardarbek

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Shardenzar Sardarbek
Portrait of Shardenzar Sardarbek
Race Human
Nationality Ortalyk
Archetype Spellcaster
Religion Wodenism
Home Towers of Eriquat
Factions Council of Nine
Associates Nickar Nurzat, Zoranthar Zhanat
5e Equivalence Sorcerer (20)
5e Alignment Neutral

Shardenzar Sardarbek is the leading member and founder of the Council of Nine and permanent resident of the Towers of Eriquat. He was also one of the principal brokers of the Concord of Kala Astanals. An aging human sorcerer and himself no stranger to war,


It was Shardenzar, driven by what he described as prophesy who brought an end to the Grendel War. Sharing his vision of future events, be brought the sworn enemies, Nickar Nurzat and Zoranthar Zhanat to the table to negotiate peace. Tsar Batil Zhurek weighed on on this eventuality, promising the union a permanent place in his country, to be commissioned by his own royal decree. This commission was to be know as the Towers of Eriquat, in the former Kiywar Territory (now Jalinjeri).

Future Apirations[edit]

It was presumed that Shardenzar Sardarbek and the Council of Nine had joined for the purpose of preventing all all war on Otan. The Garis, however, proved this assumption wrong by attacking and then occupying over a third of Otan. As this assumption fell, no one knows Shardenzar's future ambitions.