Forty-fourth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | February 1st, 2022 |
Start Date | Morning Kirkuyey 10th 261 IM |
Start Location | Nexus of Eriquat, Nether World |
Ending Date | Afternoon, Kirkuyey 10th 261 IM |
Ending Location | Nexus of Eriquat, Nether World |
Absentees | JDS |
Prev Session | Forty-third Session |
Next Session | Forty-fifth Session |
The Forty-fourth Session began with the party still in the Nether World. Hedgewind Jalinbeti and Asil were injured in the previous encounters and required healing which they received from Rayjok Halperion and Mira Nephilim. Once they had healed up and scoped out the room for any more treasure, Mira conjured up a snake to investigate nearby rooms.
Strange Observations[edit]
The snake discovered that some of the side rooms contained large stone tombs. It eventually became evident to the party that the complex was built in the fashion created by Ortalyk nobility. The rooms that they were in were reminiscent of a Tsar's (or Boyar's) catacombs, containing many tombs where the noble members of the family would be put to rest.
What was particularly odd about the discovery, particularly to Obsidian Black, was that the rooms had an age to them that was distinctly older than 261 years. Nothing in Otan seems to be older than this strange date which marks the first day of Otani history. And yet... within these Nether World chambers seemed to lie a cornucopia of historical artifacts and information that would predate the year 1 IM.
Demons, Demons, Demons![edit]
While Rayjock investigated an old Ortalyk tomb, Mira's snake met with a fiery end. Obsidian put his shiny sword around a corner to determine that the next room had at least a half dozen demons in it. Dutiful to his nature, Rayjock Halperion stumbled into the same corridor and saw the demons for himself. They were not happy to see him.
The party found itself in combat. Asil charged in with her usual bravado. Hedgewind Jalinbeti made sniping attacks, creating very special fireballs that seemed to inflame the otherwise fire-proof demons. Panamon unleashed crackling energy while Obsidian unleashed blobs of magical acid. The demons themselves concentrated a hail of firebolts at Rayjock.
Rayjok answered the demonic volley with a magic protection circle, into which the demons could not enter. The rest of the party eventually stepped into it and conducted their attacks in relative safety. Mira unleashed a water elemental drowning one. The relentless attacks of the other party members killed six more while the last one escaped.
Spared from combat by Rayjok's spell, the party lingered. They considered taking a rest and possibly spending some time to learn more about their Nether World surroundings.
Everything Amiss in Otan[edit]
There is a new link for this: Everything Amiss in Otan.
Player Notes[edit]
Add some notes here if I have any (important) errors or omissions.
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