Suleimen Zhasulan

From OtanWiki
Suleimen Zhasulan
A Portrait of Suleimen Zhasulan
Titles Halperion Minister of Ortalykshilar Affairs
Race Human (Ortalykshilar)
Nationality Jalinjeri
Archetype Fighter
Religion Wodenism
Home Halperion, Halperion Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Birthdate/Place 17th of Mamir, 234 IM
Factions Halperion Prefecture cabinet
5e Equivalence Bard (15)
5e Alignment Lawful Good

Suleimen Zhasulan serves as Rayjok's Halperion Minister of Ortalykshilar Affairs in the Halperion Prefecture cabinet.




To manage all that is Grendel in Halperion Prefecture. Suleimen Zhasulan thinks that members of the other races spend too much time complaining and not enough time doing.

Player Notes[edit]