Kenzhe Farkhad

From OtanWiki
Kenzhe Farkhad
A Portrait of Kenzhe Farkhad
Titles Master of Spies, Halperion Prefecture
Race Ælf
Nationality Jalinjeri
Archetype Rogue
Religion Wodenism
Home Halperion, Halperion Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Birthdate/Place 27th of Karasa, 165 IM
Factions Halperion Prefecture cabinet
5e Equivalence Rogue (15)
5e Alignment Lawful Good

Kenzhe Farkhad is a rogues rogue and master of stealth. She is the current Spy Master of Halperion Prefecture. She will be uncovering secrets in the name of statecraft.


Raised in Ælfwode, Kenzhe learned her craft by spying on Humans and Grendels.


To learn all.