Guide to Otan

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The Definitive Guide to Otan
Genre Medieval Fantasy (with quirks)
Inhabitants Humans, Ælfes, Dweorgs, Grendel, Ungir, etc.
Universe Will to Power Fantasy Novel Series

To its residents, Otan is a world bounded only by the sky. To them, Otan is the entire world. To an observer of the globe, however, Otan is a northern continent, a land mass of some three million square kilometers. This is a mixture of a variety of climates and landscapes ranging from ice covered mountains to desert, grassy plains to jungle, deciduous forest to barren tundra.

The geography of the globe, which residents also refer to as Otan is made up of a set of continents separated by ocean. The continent of Otan is predominantly confined to a single land mass with the exception of a few small islands, most of which make up the western nation of Araldar. As of the year 261 IM, no Otani soul has been witness to lands outside of their home continent.

Humans of Otan

A Typical Human

Humans exist in every known corner of Otan. Save for places with conditions too extreme to sustain human life, humans can be found everywhere else. Humans are extremely likely to speak the common Otani language, which is spoken nearly to the exclusion of other languages in the six nation states populated predominantly by humans.

Republic of Batis

Flag of Batis

Batis, the westernmost nation of Otan is also its only true democracy. First Citizen Joseph Sawdageri is the current elected head of state. Batis and the Batistiktar people have lived in an economy of abundance, thanks to the excellent soil and ideal conditions for the production of food.

Matriarchy of Karazalik

Flag of Karazalik

Karazalik is the southern neighbor to Ontustik. It has a holistic culture in which its politics and religion interwoven into every aspect of life. Lines are blurred between religious and political leaders. The blend has resulted in a largely matriarchal society, with surprisingly little political in-fighting. The capitol city of is Karazalik's port capitol of Ademi.

Caliphate of Ontustik

Flag of Ontustik

The Caliphate of Ontustik is the southern nation of Otan and controlled by a matriarchal religious aristocracy. The acolytes of Aspan, the sky god, form the country's government, appointing a hierarchy to run each of the country's settlements. Ultimate power resides in The Ninth Lotus, High Priestess of Aspan, who rules the country from her temple in the capitol of Anar.

Tsardom of Ortalyk

Flag of Ortalyk

The Tsardom of Ortalyk is the centre-most state of Otan. The government is a tsarist autocracy under the current leader Tsar Batil Zhurek, the nation's largely benevolent ruler.

The people of Ortalyk, though primarily of Ortalykshilar descent, are an amalgamation of all the human people of Otan. Further, Ortalyk boasts the largest populations of mixed strain peoples, such as half-orcs, half-elves and other half-strains. It has evolved to become the 'de facto melting pot of Otan.

Sigis Empire

Flag of Sigis

Sigis, the easternmost state of Otan is also a feudal monarchy led by Emperor Judiric of Temir, the current regent of the Iron Dynasty. The people of Sigis, the Sigis Turgindari have a reputation for trading and valuable and rare commodities from gems to fine crafts.

Kingdom of Soltustik

Flag of Soltustik

Soltustik, the northernmost state is a feudal democracy. Led by Queen Kara Muz, he rules with a cold and iron hand from his self titled capitol of Muz. The people of Soltustik seem to thrive in cold weather. This nation state is also home to many non-humans who also tend to prefer snow and ice to warmer terrain.

Non-Human Nations

The Council of Aelfgarad

Flag of Aelfgarad

Aelfgarad Home of the Friggaelfes and most of the Dunaelfes.


A Friggaelf priestess.

The Friggaelf (pronounced Frig-alf) is the predominant race and culture in the country of Ælfgarad. They were once intermixed with their Wodaelf and Dunaelf cousins until rifts in their sense of the aesthetic came to the forefront of their culture and politics. The Friggaelfes believe that the only true aesthetic is found in art, which should be sought and praised above all things.

Friggaelfes create the most beautiful and amazing architecture on Otan, the most beautiful ships and vehicles and the most beautiful clothing and garments, rivalling that of even the Sigis Empire. Eschewing their Wodaelf cousins, they left Aelfwode and moved west to create the new country of Aelfgarad, where they could practice their artistic endeavors (many of which involved the cutting of trees) in peace.

The Kingdom of Ælfwode

Flag of Ælfwode

Ælfwode Home of the Wood Wodælfes.


A Wodælf Ranger

The Wodælf (pronounced Woah-dalf) are, not surprisingly, the preeminent race and culture found in Ælfwode. They were, most believe, the only variety of Ælf to exist. Their love for Woden and his creation extended to the forests and nature in which they lived. A common Wodælf saying is, "Nothing can be more beautiful than a tree."

While this is very possibly true, as trees do possess a powerful aesthetic, a time came when not all Ælfes agreed. Friendly disagreements became heated arguments, which grew into political upheaval and even in some cases, war. The Wodælfes eventually bade their art-loving cousins to leave the forests of Ælfwode and put an end to these powerful disagreements. The new tribes dedicated themselves to Frigg and the arts, moving west to find peace.

The Altinqor Confederation

Flag of Altinqor

Altinqor is a country populated by the draconic-blooded Aydahar and every manner of dragon on Otan. The country is made up of ten regions, five of which roughly represent a chromatic dragon (red, blue, etc.) and five which represent metallic dragons (gold, silver, etc.). About 80% of the Aydahar people bear the strong features and colors of their dragon progenitors. The rest of the country is made up of mixed colors, and features of varied and interesting combinations.

The Aydahar People

A typical Aydahar

The Aydahar are a race of draconic infused humans originally of human origin, but who's ancestors and sometimes parents are of a draconic lineage. When it was learned that dragons and humans could produce offspring, the races of the Aydahar and the similarly draconic blooded Ungir soon came into being. The Aydahar eventually banished their Ungir cousins from their lands, choosing to cohabit and comingle more readily with full-blooded dragons... at least those dragons who are gregarious enough to put up with other creatures.

Because of the numerous varieties of dragon, there are also numerous varieties of Aydahar. At least a dozen known variants of the Aydahar race exist on Otan, most of which are identified by the nature of their draconic ancestors.

The League of Dweorgen Miners


The League of Dweorgen Miners is country with more residents underground as above ground. Well rewarded are those tasked to stay above ground to grow crops and raise livestock to supply the ones below.


A Dweorgen miner.

The Dweorgs are a race with a predilection toward mining. A short conversation with a Dweorg will reveal their life's philosophy, which can be reduced to a simple motto; "Treasures await beneath." Genetic and cultural compulsions aside, this motto alone tempts the Dweorgs to dig.

The Garis Triumvirate

Flag of the Garis Triumvirate

The Garis Triumvirate is the only country under Garis control and exclusively governed by the Garis. They possess one of the most unusual governmental systems in all of Otan. Their tribal nation, naturally divided them into three factions, features one seeking external conquest, one seeking internal and external peace, while the last seeks only to administer, regardless of which of the other two factions has the most sway. This latter faction, sometimes referred to as the Garis Administrati are made up nearly entirely of Akimsilik.


A Garis Administrator

Garis legend speaks of a time when the Garis did not inhabit Otan, but travelled through the heavens. Always looking to the stars, they have survived and even thrived on Otan, but never feel at home. It seems that endless internal conflict and factional disputes will keep them grounded indefinitely.

Garis Variants

There are three distinct variant races of Garis which is most readily noted by the shape of their muzzles. The peace loving Beybitsilik variants have the shortest snouts of the race with a pronounced lower jaw resembling that of a hyena. The war mongering Ustemdik have more lupine features with a shorter snout and a menacing visage. The orderly Akimsilik have more vulpine features, with a medium sized snout and less pronounced jaw.


Flag of Maercland

Maercland sits on the northern coast, with the Ungirsi Federation on their southern border and the nation of Soltustik to the west.


A Grendel Shaman

The Grendel have little patience for human politics and have set out on several occasions to destroy all that is human. Encouraged by the half-human, Half-Grendel warlock Zoranthar Zhanat, the Grendel made war on Ortalyk and Soltustik with varying degrees of success. Only the Accord of Kala Astanals stayed their hands from seeking more human blood.


Flag of Shuwalu

The Brotherhood of Shuwalu is surrounded by sea and borders the human nation of Soltustik to the southwest. Shuwalu and Soltustik have not had border clashes since the Concord of Kala Astanals and the two countries largely keep to themselves.


The Hellspawn were simply a variety of humans who had taken to sprout antlers. Speculation and rumors soon followed and they were labeled with the epithet Hellspawn. Having fewer numbers than their otherwise unaltered human tormentors, they embraced the Hellspawn epithet as their racial designation. The thrust behind this decision is that the Hellspawn name tends to inspire fear before it inspires derision, giving their people a survival advantage.



The Kuulik love a bargain and their location is a great place for bargaining. Situated between human and grendel territory, they have a knack for serving both sides during times of war and peace alike.

The Kuulik Trade Company

The Kuulik Trade Company is a peninsula and set of islands situated between the human nation of Ortalyk to the south and the grendel occupied nation of Maercland to the north.



The Misik.


Flag of Tosenis

The Misik inhabit a loosely defined country they call Tosenis, which lies entirely in what the Batis nation thinks of as their country. ....


A Qurilissi

The Qurilissi, better known to some as the "builders" appear in the lore of most of the religions of Otan. Their role was to help create the world by fashioning the mountains and lakes, forests and ice, and almost everything that there is on Otan to this very day. While their existence is considered historical or even fictional by most, exactly four builders are known to currently exist on Otan; one of each variety.


Flag of Kiskentay

The Protectorate of Kiskentay is a coalition of humanoids both smaller in stature and in number than their taller human cousins.


thumb_right The Sweardælf (pronounced Sware-dalf) are a diminutive race who live mainly in the southwestern Kingdom of Kiskentay. Their societal and social mores differ little from their larger human counterparts, though they do economize on materials in that they can make most things much more inexpensively than humans, because they can make them half sized.

The Ungirsi Federation

Flag of the Ungirsi Federation

Populated by more than 1.6 million of the diminutive Ungir race, the Ungir currently control a single nation on the Otan continent; dubbed the Ungirsi Federation.


An Ungir Fighter

The Ungir are a humanoid race or human variant with a number of variations that alter its appearance from humans. These include a diminutive size, leathery skin, a long and pointed proboscis and jawline, taloned feet and a prehensile tail. Like the Aydahar they possess draconic blood and share a language and heritage with dragons.

Multi-strain Diaspora

Multi-strain variants among the people of Otan are increasingly numerous. Individuals who's genetics are made up of two or more of the principal genetic strains can find themselves in awkward circumstances. They can find themselves feeling that they neither belong to the culture and heritage of one group or the other. Multi-strain individuals often seek refuge in two safe places in Otan where the outcast are the majority. These places include the country of Araldar and the ungoverned territories known as the Free States.

Protectorate of Araldar

Flag of Araldar

Araldar is an island nation, consisting of an archipelago off the coast of Otan. The country's political power is maintained via its massive navy, which in turn relies on constant recruiting. Anyone able to push a mop will find themselves work in the Araldar navy. This makes it an ideal, if not perfect, escape for multi-race persons who immediately feel acceptance within their ranks... or at the very least, a lack of hostility.

The government is controlled by a naval stratocracy, with the head of state being of the rank of admiral. Jonas Draktar is the current state leader holding the title of Lord Admiral. When he's not on the high seas, runs the state from the port city capitol of Jagalik.

The Free States

Flag of the Free States

The Free States are a collection of independent city states and are often sought as a place of refuge to multi-strain people who never achieve a sense of belonging with either their human or non-human kind. Apart from multi-strain individuals, one can expect to find political and religious dissenters of every stripe in the Free States.

Jalinjeri Protectorate

Flag of Jalinjeri

Founded by the arch-mage Hedgewind Jalinbeti, Jalinjeri, is a new nation in central Otan formed from the former Ortalyk Kiywar Territory and portions of northern Karazalik. The people of Jalinjeri, though largely of Ortalykshilar (human) descent, are an amalgamation of several Otan races.

Multi-Strain Examples

While most of these examples the other half of the genetic line is human, Otan is also home to various other mixes such as Grendel/Ungir, Aydahar/Garis, and such other individuals who are hard to imagine.

The Religions of Otan

There are several Otani religions, generally divided along racial lines, however, humans seem to possess a knack for creating new religions and the various human clergies compete for the hearts and souls of humans and non-humans alike.


Tun - Goddess of the Night

Aspanism is a form of sky worship. The major deities of the religion, however do not make up the bulk of the clergy. Rather the Aspanists worship the goddess Suu. Aspanism is not a bookish religion and all the tenets and beliefs are passed down via oral tradition.


Buzaki: The Unpredictable

Baksism is an animistic religion in which any creature, or geographic feature such as a river or mountain might be considered to possess a divine soul. The central figure of this religion is the creator, Ana, who gave birth to Otan. She then gave birth to seven children or Baksi, each with a specific role, to watch over the people and other creatures of the land.

Cult of Personality

Æski - a Persona of the Cult

The Cult of Personality is not a single religion, but a compilation of many religions, some so obscure as to have little more than a single adherent. Most of the cultists, adherents, worshippers, warlocks, druids or others who follow in this faith tend to fixate on a single being, a form of lusus naturae, part human, part otherworldly creature. Individual personas in the cult include such figures as Æski and Bloncamann.


Ogiz on The Great Plain.

Janyarism is an animistic religion practiced nearly exclusively in the Republic of Batis and neighboring areas who trade with that country. The Janyarist gods all manifest in the form of anthropomorphized animals that are common to the region.


Mujit surveys the ocean.

Mujitism is another animistic religion practiced nearly exclusively in Araldar and on the nearby coastal areas of countries who trade with the Araldar.


Frigg wife of Woden.

Wodenism is a pantheistic religion that involves the worship of Woden and a series of other and largely less powerful gods. The philosophy and tenets of Wodenism are thoroughly described in the Book of Woden.

The Factions of Otan

IN addition to the many world governments who are themselves political factions, Otan is rife with non-governmental factions. These may exist for political or religious reasons. Some exist to further a particular craft or skill. Factional leaders may be content to work locally, while others seek to spread their faction worldwide.

Some examples of factions on Otan include:

A Brief History of Otan

The Otan Calendar

The Otan calendar is the measure and passage of time in Otan is calculated by days measuring one rotation of the planet (roughly 24 hours). A year is measured as one rotation of the sun, typically 367 days. The days are divided into 12 months of 30 days each followed by a six or seven day Holy Week.

Before Erasure

Before Erasure or BE refers to the historical period before written history or any form of recalled memory. It is not known whether this loss of memory was a series of events or one cataclysmic event, however, it is known throughout Otan as the Great Erasure.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam sometimes abbreviated to IM is the current year in Otan. The year 1 IM indicates the first moment of recorded history on Otan. Sorcerers and philosophers alike have been unable to divine any information about the period before 1 IM. People existed in this year, some of them of advanced age, but no recorded memories or histories exist before this time. Thousands of years of history can certainly be inferred from year 1 IM, but not a single written record or recalled memory of beasts who lived before that time have ever been made known.