Old Otani language

From OtanWiki
A glowing Old Otani inscription.

The Old Otani language is found everywhere in Otan. The names of cities, races, people, plants, animals and practically anything worth bearing a name might have its roots in the language. This primordial language, long forgotten by Otani mortals is the language most often used by the gods and elementals who originally constructed Otan.

Linguists believe the Old Otani language to have existed before all others and largely agree that those who constructed (or gave birth to) Otan must have certainly used this language in their designs. Evidence of this comes from the artefacts known as the Memes of Aspan, which was effectively a letter to humanity from the gods on how to be better people. The memes are written exclusively in the Old Otani language.

Another peculiarity about the Old Otani language is that it seems somehow impenetrable to modern magic. The gift of tongues and other spells to read and/or comprehend languages do not work with the Old Otani language. Somehow, certain individuals seem born with the ability to comprehend it, even read and speak it. These individuals are a marvel to anyone who studies language.