Ortalyk military

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The Ortalyk military is made up of 18 regular divisions, over 500 sea vessels and one special division dubbed The Tsar's Guard. The latter are hand picked soldiers from the other provincial regiments. Provincial divisions are recruited and organized by that province's Boyar, though it is rare for the Boyar to be part of the division. Each division not led by the Boyar is commanded by soldier of the rank of general.

Command Structure[edit]

Tsar Batil Zhurek is the commander-in-chief of the Ortalyk military. Being an excellent equestrian himself, he has personally lead charges on the battlefield and the head of his Tsar's Guard cavalry. The recruitment, supply, training and upkeep of all but the Tsar's Guard, are the responsibility of the various provincial boyars. These political leaders sometimes lead their troops into battle and sometimes do not, depending on their personal nature and how they came to be boyar. For each division a boyar recruits, he will appoint a general to lead and manage the division, and most Ortalyk officers will typically look to the general for orders even in the presence of a boyar.

Ground Forces[edit]

Ortalyk military ground forces are made up of units called divisions, each consisting of of roughly 10,000 ground soldiers called divisions. The organization within a division can vary greatly depending on a number of factors from recruitment and logistics, to terrain and the nature of the nearby enemy. Flying enemies may require special tactics, while tunneling enemies require another. The bulk of most divisions are made up of infantry, followed in numbers by crossbowmen, cavalry, engineers, quartermasters, signallers and special forces. The latter are often made up of spellcasters and other adventurer classes.

Each of the 19 divisions of the military have a specific role. Their soldiers are sourced from the various Ortalyk provinces and recruited under the auspices of that province's Boyar. A division is made up of about 10,000 men, typically divided into 5 battalions of 2,000, each of which are divide into brigades ranging from 200 to 500 men depending on their role, i.e. cavalry, infantry, engineers, etc.

The divisions provided by each province of Ortalyk are as follows, including the divisions which are marked as "at liberty" during peacetime:

Astanals Region[edit]

During wartime Astanals Region is able to muster upwards of three divisions with a single division representing the region during peacetime:

Gemlok Province[edit]

During wartime Gemlok Province is able to muster upwards of six, and keeps two on duty during peacetime:

Kalampir Province[edit]

Kalampir Province is Ortalyk's largest in population and fields a whopping 12 divisions in wartime. In peacetime, however it still fields many troops with 4 divisions, two patrolling the north and two to the south.

Karagay Province[edit]

Neim Province[edit]

Rezenke Province[edit]

Sayagasi Province[edit]

Sop Province[edit]

Kiywar Territory[edit]

Naval Forces[edit]

The Ortalyk coast is patrolled and defended by the Ortalyk Navy, which currently boasts a fleet of roughly 500 galleas-class warships, each capable of bearing about 100 troops.