The Farthing Campaign

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The Farthing Campaign invites you in!

The following are the annals of the second group of heroes of Otan to adventure in what is dubbed The Farthing Campaign.

Farthing Campaign Timeline

The following sections are expressly for party use. The DM will fill in the basics, however all the gory details will remain for the party to fill in as they wish. Creation of other pages, adding in of conjecture, questions to be answered or theories about what anything encountered might mean are highly encouraged.

Session Description
First Farthing Session The First Farthing Session in which the party is nearly devoured by giant crabs and an old friend is rescued.
Second Farthing Session The Second Farthing Session in which the party takes revenge on their former antagonists.
Third Farthing Session The Third Farthing Session in which the party registers their captured vessel, the Briny Baroness as a privateer.
Fourth Farthing Session The Fourth Farthing Session in which the party establishes some goodwill at the port of Aidyn.
Fifth Farthing Session The Fifth Farthing Session in which Captain Madil Zadyra has his sins cleansed.
Sixth Farthing Session The Sixth Farthing Session...

Heroes of the Farthing Campaign

The heroes of The Tertiary Campaign are as follows:

A portrait of Madil Zhadyra
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Taeclys
Titles Captain
Race Human
Class (lvl) Fighter
Alignment Chaotic Good
Religion Meremenin
A portrait of Cemzick Nucklestamp
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Cheluvahar
Race Sweardælf
Class (lvl) Rogue / Sorcerer
Alignment Chaotic Good
Religion Curtisism
A portrait of Demitrius Black
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Travis Hall
Race Half-Ælf
Nationality Ælfgarade
Class (lvl) Artificer
Religion Wodenism?

A portrait of Rael Starflower
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Deduction
Race Ælf
Class (lvl) Cleric (life domain)

And Those Who Have Left Us

A portrait of Jarseth Bhalin
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Loot Goblin
Race Aydahar (dragonborn)
Nationality Aydahar Confederation
Class (lvl) Wizard
A portrait of Barcal Nariman
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Rubix
Race Hobgoblin
Nationality Kuulik Trade Company
Class (lvl) Druid / Monk

Player Notes