Cemzick Nucklestamp

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Cemzick Nucklestamp
A portrait of Cemzick Nucklestamp
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Player Name Cheluvahar
Race Sweardælf
Class (lvl) Rogue (7) / Sorcerer (1)

Cemzick Nucklestamp is a member of The Farthing Campaign.

About Cemzick[edit]

Cemzick is a brown-skinned sweardælf with blond hair and blue eyes. He is a fine specimen of sweardælfhood. He has a deep, booming voice (more like an ogre than a sweardælf), and has a touch of wanderlust. He has a large tattoo (of a fine ship sailing on waves) on his back.


Cemzick is kind, friendly, and endearing, though sometimes he is a bit distracted by ship craftsmanship.

Special Abilities[edit]

Cemzick is a passable clockmaker.

Future Aspirations[edit]

Cemzick wants to explore and dominate the sea. He also wants to prove that he is the best sweardælf sailor and shipwright in the world.


Cemzick is from a small family. His mother died when he a small child. He has a sister who is fifteen years his elder. Cemzick's father is a clockmaker of some note; he makes some of the finest clocks in the land. Cemzick can make clocks, but he did not want to live in his father's shadow. Plus, Cemzick has always had a great love of the sea; he would swim or sail at every opportunity. He loves the smell of the salt and sea life, the spray of the ocean, the wind, and the physics of sailing and shipbuilding. When he was an adolescent, he was apprenticed to a shipwright. He was trained as a rogue by the Acrobats of Poise and Ploys.