Second Farthing Session
Campaign | The Farthing Campaign |
Game Date | Friday, June 9th, 2021 |
Start Date | Mamir 21, 261 IM |
Start Location | On an unidentified beach, Araldar |
Ending Date | Mamir 23, 261 IM |
Ending Location | Shokan, Kit Barony, Araldar |
Prev Session | First Farthing Session |
Next Session | Third Farthing Session |
The Second Farthing Session began on a beach somewhere on the outer islands of Araldar. The adventure began when the party freed Captain Batyrbek Mergen from his bindings. Cpn. Mergen was quick to thank the party for their bravery and ingenuity for freeing him.
DM Note: I have included the new players into the First Farthing Session as a smoother way to change the roster without changing the story too much.
Cpn. Mergen explained that the pirate ship that had first accosted them was on an errand to secure a ransom for his safe return. The party concluded that there was an opportunity, now that half the crew was dead and disbanded, to overwhelm the rest of the crew and perhaps take control of the ship. The captain explained that the ship's weapons would surely kill them all if they were to be suspected as attackers and asked if anyone had special abilities of disguise.
Lacking magical means, the party concluded that they would disguise themselves the gear of the fallen pirates, propping up the dead ones in the camp as though they would follow shortly. Madil Zhadyra interrogated the captured pirate to discover that there was a signal. The ship would fly certain signal flags if the captured captain was to be ransomed and returned to the ship, and a different flag if he was to be killed.
To Action![edit]
Daniela's Ghost returned flying the ransom flags. The party boarded the boat with Captain Mergen who was bound with easy-to-slip knots. The party approached the ship with the captain cursing a blue streak as he expressed his distaste with being a captive. Two crewmen hauled the "bound" captain aboard and turned their back on the rest of the crew, who immediately boarded the ship and swung into action.
Madil Zhadyra was soon at the bow, slicing at a pirate officer while Barcal Nariman, amidships, dished out two-fisted wrath to anyone near. Cemzick Nucklestamp with his swashbuckling footwork dodged in and out of the fray delivering deadly blows all around. Rael Starflower and Jarseth Bhalin cast spells into the crowd, afflicting the very unlucky. Meanwhile, Captain Mergen ended up toe-to-toe with the dreaded pirate Zhansultan Erzhan.
The pirate Zhansultan proved more than a match for Captain Mergen who eventually fell to the onslaught. Madil Zhadyra eventually overcame the pirate officer at the bow and his cronies. Amidships, Barcal and Cemzick had all but cleaned up the fresh pirates who had run up on deck from below. In a surprising move, Rael Starflower, clocked one of the fleeing pirate officers with his fist, killing the hapless pirate mid-step.
Eventually, the pirate Erzhan fell. The only remaining crewman, an officer who had failed to escape combat, dropped to his knees and let his weapon fall to the deck. "Parlay!" he cried.
The Cleanup[edit]
The party looted the ship and gathered up all the pirates, living and dead to return to port for any rewards that might be pending for their capture. Captain Mergen suggested that he row ahead of the crew when they get near port to alert them not to blast the former pirate vessel out of the water on sight. Mergen carried this out and the party sailed triumphantly into Shokan.
With a little bit of guidance from Mergen, the party registered their ship as salvage with the Shokan port authority and went on to the assizes to have the ship declared legally theirs. After hearing the ship's history the magistrate was quick to side with the party. With an order granting ownership of the vessel to the party, the crew decided to register their newly acquired with the port authority as a privateer vessel under the Araldar flag.
The only thing left to do was give the ship a name...
Party Notes[edit]
Hey gang! If I left anything out, please make a note of it here and I'll add it in.
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