Third Farthing Session
Campaign | The Farthing Campaign |
Game Date | Friday, July 15th, 2021 |
Start Date | Mamir 23, 261 IM |
Start Location | Port of Shokan, Shokan, Kit Barony, Araldar |
Ending Date | Mamir 27, 261 IM |
Ending Location | At sea, North of Saniya, Aidyn Barony, Araldar |
Prev Session | Second Farthing Session |
Next Session | Fourth Farthing Session |
The Third Farthing Session began shortly after the party had decided to become privateer's for the Araldar government. Then they assessed the ship and did not like everything that they saw. She was leaking in 100's of places and required full time work at the bilge pumps to keep her above water. Her sails were in tatters, partly from disrepair and partly from the incidents leading up to her capture.
Just Rewards[edit]
Madil Zhadyra headed to the office of the Shokan Admiralty to report the capture of their various pirates. The duty officer, a slender half-Ælf, Lieutenant Alua Kunduz directed Madil to check the board and see if he recognized anyone. While he did not recognize the crude drawings, he did spot the name of Zhansultan Erzhan and pointed him out to the lieutenant. He explained to her that the pirate was dead and... the lieutenant confided that that she would send an ensign around to inspect the corpse and issue a note for the reward, which was currently set at 5,000 pieces of gold.
While at the office Madil noticed many bounties, one for a certain Captain Duisen Nadirbek which was listed at 1,100,000 pieces of gold. Surely there wasn't so much money in the world! On a more respectable level, there was a bounty for a Captain Smagul Burkit, a suspected associate of the late pirate Zhansultan Erzhan. 3,000 pieces of gold were to be paid to whosoever were to drag Captain Burkit into the hands of Araldar justice. Madil mentioned his interest to the lieutenant, who after a short delay, issued him a Letter of marque for the capture of Smagul Burkit.
Getting the Ship Ship Shape[edit]
Upon returning with the bounty of reward money, the crew made for the shipyard to acquire new sails. The sails were available, but a steep 1,700 pieces of gold. Once purchased, Cemzick Nucklestamp got busy rigging the new sails. Meanwhile [[Rael Starflower and Carcal Nariman got to the business of mending the ship with an endless series of mending spells. It waas a lot of work, but wasn't long before Cemzick Nucklestamp declared the ship... seaworthy. They dubbed her the Briny Baroness.
Skeleton Crew[edit]
Getting underway without the help of at least one other person would have proved impossible for the party. The Briny Baroness would need a compliment of at least 18 hands including the party. The party made for The Peg-leg Inn and noting that there was a crowd, Madil Zhadyra jumped to action and ordered "Five rounds for the house!" There was much applause and ringing of the bartender's bell.
When the barmaid came to collect the tab, which was a whopping 20 gold for such a generous gesture, Madil gave her 50 pieces and bade that no one should be able to walk by the nights end. The very happy barmaid took these instructions to heart and worked tirelessly to make sure that not a single mug was empty all night. Madil went on to tell the tale of the capture of Captain Erzhan, the defeat of the giant beach crabs and other stories. The party chipped in to give credence to the tales, made taller in the telling.
When it looked like everyone was just the right level of drunk, Madil Zhadyra announced that he needed a crew for the Briny Baroness and would pay handsomely to anyone who boarded her. The impassioned plea for crew stunned the crowd with its sincerity so much that they paused drinking for a moment... then rushed to apply to Madil to join his crew.
Hauling Glass[edit]
The party made deals with two organizations to haul good. First, a member of the Kuulik Trading Company offered 600 pieces of gold to haul 26 tons of wizard stuff to the port of Aidyn. The heightened fee was due to the port being currently designated as uncharted. The party then went to Tanatar's Cartographic Supplies where they negotiated to make their trip a very slow one, in exchange for transporting a cartographer to map the southern route to Aidyn.
Madil set the price for the haul not in gold, but in trade. First, for charts of the waters between Shokan and Sharip and second, exclusive access to the charts to Aidyn for one month. Tanatar agreed and sent his cartography apprentice to board the ship the next day.
Making Waves[edit]
After four days of slow sailing (and much map-making), the crew spotted an anchored sloop in a bay north of Saniya. The party made way toward the sloop, which soon began to hoist its anchor and mainsail. Heading downwind, the hapless sloop was no match for speed as Madil calculated an intercept path on a speedy beam reach, helped along by a north wind.
As the Briny Baroness closed in on its prey, it came in range of Smagul Burkit's sloop and fired off its mangonel. The shot ripped through the sails, slowing the sloop even further. A few shots later and the sloop's only defenses, their ballista was destroyed. The sloop made for the shore to beach itself (and hopefully for the crew to swim ashore), but the party was relentless and took out the sloop's sails.
The helpless ship weighed anchor as the Briny Baroness approached and raised a flag to parlay. When the Briny Baroness pulled up alongside and lowered its gangplank to the pirate crew, a lone seaman walked up it, Captain Smagul Burkit. He offered to go with the party willingly if they would spare his crew and leave them to try and repair their disabled ship.
The party agreed to spare the crew and leave them to their fate, but demanded that any booty they had aboard be surrendered as well. A bargain was struck and the booty was transferred over to the Briny Baroness. The captain was manacled to a bunk and the Baroness made way for the
The crew, impressed, began to compose the Ballad of Zhadyra's Privateers
Party Notes[edit]
Hey gang! If I left anything out, please make a note of it here and I'll add it in.
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