Fifth Farthing Session
Campaign | The Farthing Campaign |
Game Date | Thursday, July 22nd, 2021 |
Start Date | Silde 7th, 261 IM |
Start Location | On the south shore of Araldar near Nurlybek |
Ending Date | Silde 9th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | Jagalik, Araldar |
Prev Session | Fourth Farthing Session |
Next Session | Sixth Farthing Session |
The Fifth Farthing Session began on shore in southern Araldar with the party bandaging up the heavily wounded Captain Aykerim Abruy. Realizing that his ship, the Marjan was possibly damaged beyond repair (the crew reporting that some green creature did them in), Madil Zhadyra and crew decided just to settle for the ship's booty and custody of the captain in exchange for the lives of the crew.
Treasure Map[edit]
The crew dispersed and Captain Abruy surrendered a map to the buried treasure before he was manacled aboard the Briny Baroness. The map was simple and the crew dutifully followed it, but luck was not with them. The treasure appeared to have been dug up immediately after it was buried. Evidence revealed that the chest was dragged to a spot north and further inland.
An Unusual Temple[edit]
The investigation led to the opening of a stone building, which turned out to be a large open temple. To the left and right at the entrance were pits, one side with live (?) undead in it and the other with a green four-armed sea creature. The latter looked incredibly menacing if not somewhat dehydrated.
On further inspection, the temple featured about a dozen statues of Aydahar standing in various states of undress. At the center of the temple was a magical circle with a sheen of light glowing around it. In the center of the circle was a glowing magic box. At the head of the circle was a large table with knives on it and all manner of offal. Around the table were drains that sluiced the blood into smaller circles within the magic circle. Behind the altar, stood another set of statues, the center one being a Naga and the others looking like abominations of some sort.
Lastly, the party discovered a locked room adjacent to the statues. After many failures with the door it was eventually kicked in to reveal a small room containing the most beautiful woman the party had ever seen... who identified herself as Fourteenth Rose of Karakat and spiritual leader of the city of Karakat. She explained that she had been on her way to the capital and her ship was overtaken by a Naga wizard, who was keeping her captive.
The party offered to take her along and fight their way out, but she refused to leave with them, fearing they would return any second.
The Fight Begins[edit]
As the magic seemed to drain from the magic circle, the party took positions in various parts of the chamber to avoid immediate detection. Rael Starflower chose the most unfortunate location as when the magic dissipated, the statues behind him came to life; one a Naga wizard and the others rotting flesh golems.
The fight was on and the mighty flesh golems nearly pounded Rael into the ground. Jarseth the wizard, though a great stroke of luck managed to charm the Naga wizard, but the flesh golems were merciless. Madil and Barcal closed in on them doing incredible damage, while Cemzick swirled in and out of the fray, stinging with his shortsword. Barcal took down the first, and eventually, the other two fell before the party was smashed to bits.
As the flesh golems splattered to the ground, their blood sluiced back to the magic circle, resuming the magical sheen and returning the Naga to stone form. The party soon broke this stone form into tiny shards.
The Gratitude of Powerful Women[edit]
When the Rose of Karakat came from the room, she explained that the box was in her charge and she had brought it with her as part of a diplomatic mission to the capital of Araldar. She was grateful to the party for rescuing her but wondered how she would get to Jagalik. Madil Zhadyra assured her that it was her very lucky day, as the crew was destined for Jagalik already and would be happy to bring her aboard their ship. Having no money on her person, the Fourteenth Rose of Karakat compensated Madil by cleansing him of all of his sins over the next two days.
Port Jagalik[edit]
Once back at port, the pirate captain was turned in for the bounty, the cargo delivered to the Kuulik and the Rose of Karakat to her diplomatic mission. The crew pulled the Briny Baroness into drydock for a few upgrades, namely the addition of a sickbay, a proper brig and an additional mangonel, which might give them the edge they need in naval combat.
Party Notes[edit]
Hey gang! If I left anything out, please make a note of it here and I'll add it in.
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