Thirtieth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | August 31st, 2021 |
Start Date | Evening, Tamiz 11th, 261 IM |
Start Location | At sea of the coast of Yernar, Araldar |
Ending Date | Morning, Tamiz 14th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | Asylzhan Docks, Asylzhan, Free States |
Absentees | Sophie (Sarani Devalinth) |
Prev Session | Twenty-ninth Session |
Next Session | Thirty-first Session |
The Thirtieth Session started with the party setting sail for the port of Evnika after capturing the dread pirate Bolbatek Yeldos if the presumably now defunct Whale Riders. The crew was in very high spirits after the bounty was captured and the crew was ever ready for high adventure. It was late in the evening and the party decided to sail through the night, and catch the port in the morning to determine whether it was still flying the flags of Araldar.
The Dreams of Panamon[edit]
Panamon Cree, with his increasing power and command over his warlock skills, put those skills to use to rally his (and Æski's) followers and encourage their creation of a resistance to fight against the Ælfen occupation of Jagalik. In his dream, he contacted the local leader of his crew, [[[Madiyar Asqar]], who was left behind to organize the establishment of a temple and of course the resistance. Madiyar let Panamon know that he had secured a stable that could serve as a meeting place and that they would soon start converting it into a stable.
No sooner had that dream ended than a terrifying vision entered Panamon's dream field of view... filling it with the face of Æski. Gazing at Panamon with with her terrifying countenance, Panamon noticed that his heart had literally stopped. "What do you want?" asked the goddess.
Terrified of his non-beating heart, all Panamon could reply was "Power." Panamon's heart beat once. "What do you want?" asked the goddess a second time.
Unprepared for such a question, Panamon told the goddess that he wanted to rule all of Otan. After this confession, she vanished from his dreams and his heart resumed its beating; at a very rapid pace indeed.

Panamon Cree woke and called his old buddy Saduakas Yermek on the Garis communication device. Saduakas was asleep, but woke up revealing that he was in a tent. He explained that he was still in Jalinjeri and keeping an eye on the progress of the war. He told Panamon that the Tsar Batil Zhurek had lost the final battle for Ortalyk at Karagay. Batil Zhurek's wherabouts are unknown and he is presumed either captured or dead.
Saduakas went on to say that the next line of defense was Rayjok Halperion's business at the borders to Halperion Prefecture. He explained that Rayjok had assembled a force of all kinds of people, Ælfen archers, Grendel warriors, Human cavalry and even Ungir giving support. He also mentioned that many giants had contributed to build and reinforce Halperion's city walls.
The Port of Evnika[edit]
The party pulled into the port of Evnika, still flying an Araldar flag at the docks. They found a berth and slipped in to turn in their bounty at the Admiralty Office. Lt. Zhanara Kamshat took charge of the body of Bolbatek Yeldos and issued a note for fifteen thousand pieces of gold, which they split with the crew and among themselves. Despite bounties on the board the party decided to move on to Asylzhan to deliver their cargo.
The Source Down Below[edit]
On the way to Asylzhan, Obsidian Black noticed some peeping and beeping emanating from the Memes of Aspan. His expectation was that perhaps this was an indicator that the third and nearly previously acquired meme (from way back at a red dragon's cave in southern Altinqor was nearby.
The journey was halted and Mira Nephilim, Panamon Cree and Athin Alionel all clambered overboard and swam down toward the ancient artifact. It was Athin who first detected a set of three deep sea undead surrounding an heavily chained up chest, chanting "The Source. The Source." The party opened fire on the trio, and sent them to a permanent death, Athin using various projectiles, Panamon, his crackling energy and Mira, her bite, having shape-changed into a tiger shark.
The Dreams of Obsidian[edit]
Whether it was a good idea or a bad one will be up to future historians to decide, but Obsidian Black had a theory about the Memes of Aspan that he wished to try out. Perhaps it was having seen undead creatures to into the memes, he had the notion that somehow he might also go into a meme and perhaps traverse between them. He attempted to conjure the meme's interface within his own mind and thus interface with the meme without the use of a circle.

The results were unexpected. Obsidian found himself in a watery coffin, looking out of a window at a magically lit corridor. In the corridor, people were talking about the throughput rush and other things that made little sense. Obsidian attempted to use sorcery to get out of the coffin. His attempt failed for reasons he did not know. He then moved his hands and tried mouthing "Let me out!" to the people in the hall.
"Oh, I think this one wants out." they laughed. The male human noted that he remembered an issue with this particular subject earlier. As Obsidian protested, the man appeared to do something to manipulate his coffin. Obsidian awoke, back in the crows nest of the Dirti Nelli.
The Third Meme of Four[edit]
With the battle in the deep concluded, Mira hauled the chain and iron wrapped box to the surface and the party laboured to open it revealing another Meme of Aspan. Mira Nephilim and Obsidian Black quickly retired to a private cabin to examine the treasure. The three boxes in proximity seemed to be delighted at being together, issuing a chorus of beeps. They seemed, however, to conclude that they were missing one of their set; the chorus of the progression sounded as though it ended prematurely.
Regardless, the pair opened the new acquisition and began to read. The meme was interesting, to say the least. The meme was entitled, On the Descent from Heaven. Like the other two, it described the importance of the preservation of the soul. It also described the importance of periodically descending from heaven to defend Otan, though it did not specify from what.
More curiously the box, perhaps because of the presence of its peers seemed more aware of Mira Nephilim. It described a world in which there were to be many builders (Mira's apparent race). The boxes seems to take on an almost emergency state, reporting that only three builders remained with one missing. Mira, the water builder was accounted for and present. The stone builder was apparently in Jalinjeri, near Halperion. The air builder in the city of Trappist, capitol of the Garis Triumvirate.
The missing builder, the fire builder was last recorded as having been near the Towers of Eriquat, the seat of the Council of Nine. Mira Nephilim quickly concluded that they must find her family. Obsidian Black concluded that he would need the fourth meme of this set; the last being the meme, On the Ascent from the Nether World... suspected to be in the hands of the golden Aydahar or possibly their draconic counterparts.
The party successfully unloaded their cargo with the Kuulik Trade Company office and asked if there were anything they could haul to Anar at the Caliphate of Ontustik. The trader said he would need some time as certainly no one would ship there right now. He said that he did not believe that his ship would survive the journey. But... he said he would indeed have a look for a cargo.
Athin and Mira took in the city, trying the local foods and bazaars. Athin added to his collection of cooking spices, finding spices from as far away as the Sigis Empire in the market. Meanwhile Obsidian and Panamon headed to the local taverns to pick up on rumours and mention that they were travelling the sea route to the south.
In this time they learned that Ortalyk had fallen in a final battle at Karagay. The fate of the Tsar, Batil Zhurek is unknown. They did find a passenger, Tanatar Gulzat, a member of the Fists of Woden who was eager to get to Ontustik and join in the fight against the Garis.
Player Comments[edit]
As always, despite my eidetic memory, I sometimes miss a thing, usually due to laziness. Mention it down here if you think it important.
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