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Spared from combat by Rayjok's spell, the party lingered.  They considered taking a rest and possibly spending some time to learn more about their [[Nether World]] surroundings.
Spared from combat by Rayjok's spell, the party lingered.  They considered taking a rest and possibly spending some time to learn more about their [[Nether World]] surroundings.
==Everything Amiss in Otan==
==Everything Amiss in Otan==

Revision as of 16:52, 6 February 2022

Forty-fourth Session
A Portrait of a Pit Fiend
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date February 1st, 2022
Start Date Morning Kirkuyey 10th 261 IM
Start Location Nexus of Eriquat, Nether World
Ending Date Afternoon, Kirkuyey 10th 261 IM
Ending Location Nexus of Eriquat, Nether World
Absentees JDS
Prev Session Forty-third Session
Next Session Forty-fifth Session

The Forty-fourth Session began with the party still in the Nether World. Hedgewind Jalinbeti and Asil were injured in the previous encounters and required healing which they received from Rayjok Halperion and Mira Nephilim. Once they had healed up and scoped out the room for any more treasure, Mira conjured up a snake to investigate nearby rooms.

Strange Observations

The snake discovered that some of the side rooms contained large stone tombs. It eventually became evident to the party that the complex was built in the fashion created by Ortalyk nobility. The rooms that they were in were reminiscent of a Tsar's (or Boyar's) catacombs, containing many tombs where the noble members of the family would be put to rest.

What was particularly odd about the discovery, particularly to Obsidian Black, was that the rooms had an age to them that was distinctly older than 261 years. Nothing in Otan seems to be older than this strange date which marks the first day of Otani history. And yet... within these Nether World chambers seemed to lie a cornucopia of historical artifacts and information that would predate the year 1 IM.

Demons, Demons, Demons!

While Rayjock investigated an old Ortalyk tomb, Mira's snake met with a fiery end. Obsidian put his shiny sword around a corner to determine that the next room had at least a half dozen demons in it. Dutiful to his nature, Rayjock Halperion stumbled into the same corridor and saw the demons for himself. They were not happy to see him.

The party found itself in combat. Asil charged in with her usual bravado. Hedgewind Jalinbeti made sniping attacks, creating very special fireballs that seemed to inflame the otherwise fire-proof demons. Panamon unleashed crackling energy while Obsidian unleashed blobs of magical acid. The demons themselves concentrated a hail of firebolts at Rayjock.

Rayjok answered the demonic volley with a magic protection circle, into which the demons could not enter. The rest of the party eventually stepped into it and conducted their attacks in relative safety. Mira unleashed a water elemental drowning one. The relentless attacks of the other party members killed six more while the last one escaped.

Spared from combat by Rayjok's spell, the party lingered. They considered taking a rest and possibly spending some time to learn more about their Nether World surroundings.

Everything Amiss in Otan

A continually updated list of anything and everything that is possibly not good in Otan.

  1. Jalinjeri Issues
    1. Hedgewind Jalinbeti is the Garis' enemy #1.
    2. Hedgewind Jalinbeti seems to be in very poor health, possibly from over-use of the Death Machine.
    3. The Council of Nine might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
    4. The Garis might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
    5. The Tsar of Ortalyk (if he lives) might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
    6. The entire country is overrun with refugees and may run into massive food shortages with winter coming.
    7. Halperion Prefecture has a lot of dragons in a small space.
    8. None of the Jalinjeri prefectures have seasoned governments and may not be up to the task of managing the country's everyday problems... let alone the exceptional problems.
    9. There are few trees for building and the nearby Balagash forest was burned down.
  2. Garis Issues
    1. There is an ongoing shooting war. The Garis, though greatly diminished in troop size, have a strong navy and air force able to dominate most of the rest of Otan.
    2. The Garis occupy Ortalyk. The Tsar of Ortalyk is missing and presumed dead. The heir apparent to the Tsar is missing and presumed dead.
    3. The Garis occupy the eastern country of Sigis. The Emperor of Sigis is missing and presumed dead.
    4. The Garis navy sunk the Araldar navy. The Grand Admiral of Araldar is missing and presumed dead.
    5. The Garis occupy most of the Aydahar Confederation and currently encircle its capital region, which could fall at any day.
    6. The Garis occupy most of the Caliphate of Ontustik and currently encircle its capital region, which could fall at any day.
  3. Ælfgarad Issues
    1. The warrior elites of the Ælfgarad navy took advantage of the sinking of the Araldar fleet and currently occupy the capital port of Jagalik and various other Araldar ports, who were helpless to defend themselves.
  4. Aydahar Issues
    1. The Aydahar Confederation is occupied by Garis forces, though the siege on the capital region has been broken.
    2. Obsidian Black and the Eldest of Aydahar awoke a great number of dead dragons. This has disturbed members of the Nether World.
    3. There is a nexus to the Nether World in the Kazinasi Citadel.
    4. There are strange experiments going on there that appear related to the Memes of Aspan.
  5. Sewochi Issues
    1. There are green 4-armed creatures who seem to float upon Otani shores and kill everything from turtles to whales to sailing ships.
    2. There is a portal near the Towers of Eriquat where there are more varieties of the 4-armed creatures, many of whom are very powerful. Can they come back through the portal in great numbers? Will they?
    3. The 4-armed creatures are not communicative and seem to want to simply kill any living (Otani) thing they encounter.
    4. The green 4-armed creatures dropped golden stones that enable deep-sea navigation, explaining how they got to Otan.
    5. The lava-loving 4-armed creatures dropped blue stones that yell at Panamon's brain.
    6. The lava-loving 4-armed creatures have a Fire Qurilissi held hostage.
    7. Dragons, which seemed to have an easy time of killing the green 4-armed creatures, have been mostly murdered by the Garis and no longer clean the creatures off the southern coast.
  6. Council of Nine
    1. The Council of Nine is openly hostile toward Jalinjeri and performing acts to benefit the Garis.
    2. The Council of Nine are manufacturing Bloodcasters in the Nether World and using them on the material world to further their goals.
    3. The Council of Nine, who caused and then brokered the peace between the humans and non-humans favored the actions of the Garis in their bid to take over the entire Otani continent.
    4. The Council of Nine seems to be in league with at least one of the 4-armed creatures.
    5. The Council of Nine seems to be in league with at least one never-before-seen creature.
  7. Otani Issues
    1. Death doesn't seem to work properly for everybody. Re: Death Machine, Obsidian's afterlife, rising undead.
    2. The price of diamonds (for resurrection/reincarnation) has risen 100 fold and might be hard to find at that price.
    3. Every five days, clerics and warlocks lose their power and are unable to create magic for a day.
    4. Mira Nephilim has learned that the reunification of the four remaining Qurilissi (builders) might be important. She has learned that there are only four in all of Otan and that there were once many many more.
  8. Other Issues
    1. There's stuff going on that you don't even know about, and it's really serious!

Player Notes

Add some notes here if I have any (important) errors or omissions.