Thirty-fourth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | October 12th, 2021 |
Start Date | Morning, Tamiz 22nd, 261 IM |
Start Location | Jalinbeti, Jalinbeti Prefecture, Jalinjeri |
Ending Date | Afternoon, Tamiz 26th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | A complex outside of Trappist, Garis Triumvirate |
Prev Session | Thirty-third Session |
Next Session | Thirty-fifth Session |
The Thirty-fourth Session began with the party each investigating different aspects of the campaign. Athin Alionel went to the forest in the hopes of contacting his patron god, Bloncamann. Mira Nephilim chose to meet up with her elemental brother Spire to see what could be done about their missing siblings. Obsidian Black visited Hedgewind Jalinbeti to discuss his research and Panamon Cree contemplated what to do with his newfound position of authority.
Athin and Bloncamann[edit]
Despite some trepidation that contacting a patron can go badly for everyone involved, Athin went into the forest to make an augur with his patron Bloncamann. He hunted and slaughtered a forest beast and prepared it for sacrifice alongside some very fine wine, provided by Panamon Cree.
Athin Alionel found himself having drifted into a dream, awaking to witness a beautiful centaur stag taking of the wine and the sacrificial beast. Athin described the nature of his prey, a 'builder' who builds with fire. The centaur thanked Athin for the meal with a nod and departed.
When Athin awoke a second time at the same fire, but a seemingly different reality, much of the wine had been consumed and part of the beast eaten. There were no tracks or evidence of a visitor. After some reflection, he concluded that he did indeed have a sense of his prey. Far to the east, he knew he would find his builder.
Mira and Spire[edit]
Mira Nephilim and Spire had been communicating for some time by means of the Memes of Aspan. Mira's Meme borrowed from Obsidian Black and Spire's borrowed from Hedgewind Jalinbeti. They had their first in-person meeting after a few communications, pairing up in midst of a refugee camp.
At this meeting, Mira introduced Spire to the rest of the party and learned more of what he was doing with the Halperion Prefecture leaders. They talked about their missing air brother and Spire was eager to accompany them on a rescue mission.
When asked to examining the new river Spire was also able to provide detailed information on how to manipulate the new river's flow to irrigate certain plains without much need for excavation. His solutions were so obvious to him that Mira Nephilim also started to understand that she had an intrinsic understanding of how water flows (hydrodynamics, but I don't want to name it).
Obsidian and Hedgewind[edit]
Obsidian Black returned to Jalinbeti Citadel for another audience with Hedgewind. After some hesitation, he was ushered to the basement, again the location of his "death machine". This time he discovered Hedgewind standing next to the machine and not in it. Inside the machine was Zhannur Timurlan, who's body appeared to have died in some great sorrow and agony.
Hedgewind once again prolaimed the experience inside the machine to be quite profound and offered Obsidian the chance to try it if he wished. Obsidian demurred, explaining that he had other ways to experience this (experience death?). He then went on to ask Hedgewind about his research with the boxes (the Memes of Aspan).
Hedgewind invited Obsidian to another chamber well deep within the citadel that contained large dimly lit room of a circular shape. In the center of the room was a wheel and within the wheel, 16 Memes of Aspan, apparently with their cases or boxes removed. Above the wheel, floated a glowing three-dimensional map of Otan.
Hedgewind explained that he could swish around the little globes of light and it would make simulations that were almost prescient in their understanding of how the people would act if they were really swept in such a way. Obsidian asked if he could pick the builders out in these many lights and looked toward the area which represented Jalinbeti.
Spotting the two, however briefly, he looked toward the section of the map they suspected to find the third builder and once again he was able to spot the out-of-place dot in the area of uniquely Garis dots. Hedgewind asked if Obsidian Black would like to plug in one of his own boxes, but Obsidian declined, explaining that he didn't have the boxes on his person.
Panamon and Power[edit]
With his newfound position as Sky Minister of Aspanjalisi Prefecture, Panamon Cree decided to start examining his upcoming responsibilities. He would almost certainly need a lot of food to protect anyone in the land from hunger, seeing as the refugees greatly outnumbered the inhabitant's ability to produce food. While many of them brought foodstuffs with them, this would only alleviate immediate danger. Starvation was on its way.
Through a little investigation, Panamon Cree met up with the former landholder Zhanik Zaure who managed lands under the Tsar in Ortalyk. Deprived of his land by the Garis, he was eager to hear Panamon out, but he was not tremendously interested in dropping his air of hubris.
Panamon Cree conscripted his services with a promise that he would own the lands he farmed and that he would receive a political title. He promised to begin the voyage to Aspanjalisi the next day as soon as he could put together a crew.
That evening, Panamon went into a dream state to contact his rebellion in Jagalik and the Garis rebels in Trappist. The former were not answering, and feared dead (or at least not dreaming). The latter answered his dreams thankfully and vowed to prepare for the party's return.
Aspanjalisi or Bust![edit]
The party travelled to where the soil was to be turned in what would be Aspanjalisi. A crew from Jalinbeti tasked to begin working on a bridge, awaited the arrival of Panamon Cree and asked him if he would turn the first shovelful of soil to commence the work. The ceremony concluded, bridge construction began.
Panamon and party surveyed the area and the party made some decisions about what might go where before they all decided it was time to go and rescue the air builder. With that the party fired of their saved teleport scroll and headed to Trappist.
It's A Trappist![edit]
The rebels continued to rebel from their headquarters in Trappist. Panamon Cree delighted them by showing them a set of passes to the Trappist Citadel. Visions of much mayhem danced in their heads.
As for the rescue mission, one of the rebels did know of a specific place where airships were being constructed. They suggested one of two routes, a) a full frontal assault on the complex or b) a little stream that would take them underneath the complex and perhaps give them an element of surprise.
They party opted for plan B and making themselves different levels of disguised or outright invisible, they broke from the rebel HQ and headed west to the airship-making facility.
- Featured right: Aspan Jurisi, banker, rebel.
In the Air Tonight[edit]
The rebels bid the party "good hunting" at the entrance to the stream and the party waded upstream to the airship-building complex. No sooner did they make it up the steps of the complex than did they detect whirling air creatures; air elementals.
Mira Nephilim certain that she could not reason with them, charged through the pack, in an attempt to lure them away from the spellcasters. Panamon Cree froze a pair of them in place while, Athin struck them most lethally with his brutal longbow skills.
It was not long before the remaining elementals all circled Mira, who had been barely inconvenienced by their inability to hit her. The arrows and spell power soon proved too much for the elementals who wisped away into the air from whence they came.
Player's Notes[edit]
If I have forgotten anything important, let me know here.
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