Forty-seventh Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | February 16th, 2022 |
Start Date | Evening, Kirkuyey 16th 261 IM |
Start Location | Jalinbeti Citadel, Jalinbeti |
Ending Date | afternoon, Kirkuyey 17th 261 IM |
Ending Location | Outside the Towers of Eriquat, Jalinbeti |
Absentees | Rayjok Halperion (Dave) |
Prev Session | Forty-sixth Session |
Next Session | Forty-eighth Session |
The Forty-seventh Session commenced with the party meeting in council at Jalinbeti Citadel, Jalinjeri. Panamon Cree addressed the Jalinjeri Council on how best to move forward regarding the scourge of Shardenzar.
The Council Chooses a Path[edit]
Panamon Cree and the rest of the Jalinjeri cabinet met to discuss a strategy for dealing with Shardenzar. Following the advice of the cabinet guest, Obsidian Black proposed the idea of re-kidnapping the fire builder from the Sewoch portal. The council agreed and Hedgewind Jalinbeti asked the part to assemble a team, within which he would take part.
The team ultimately consisted of the party, plus Hedgewind and the First Nightshade of Aspan. Asil, unfortunately, had to return to Altinqor to resume her duties as aide-de-camp. And so the party of five set out to explore this strange new land and hopefully destroy the bane of their existence, Shardenzar.
Sewochi in the Lava[edit]
Mira Nephilim activated the portal to the Sewochi world where they found the lava pits they had previously visited. The Sewochi of the lava-loving kind retreated into the caves, presumably at least one of them remembering Obsidian Black's "yeet" spell. With none of them wishing to become further jellied, they move into the lava caves.
The party pursued, finding one of four caves to be traversable without stepping into lava. When they got through, Panamon Cree using his arcane eye, scouted forward to find a gang of Sewochi scouts at the first junction. He also found a small cave to navigate past this junction and directed the party through it. The Sewochi spotted the party, but not before Panamon enveloped them in maddening darkness, causing them to flee in every direction.
The few Sewochi on the other side of the small cave were very tough, but not a problem for the party. Hedgewind Jalinbeti remarked with some small astonishment that his staff should have been blowing them apart, yet was only doing heavy damage. The First Nightshade of Aspan gleefully tore a couple of them apart, while the party did their other attacks, Mira with a conjured dragon and Obsidian with acid attacks.
When it was over the pathway revealed a somehow tougher-looking Sewochi with the air of authority. This "boss" held Jalindi, the fire-builder sister of Mira, entranced at the end of a small gold leash. He was standing in a magic circle, which appeared to be quite similar to the portal they arrived on. Mira was immediately convinced that she could operate the portal.
T'ifati and the Circle[edit]
The "boss" Sewochi contacted Panamon Cree telepathically. Panamon in turn relayed the gist of the conversation to the rest of the party. "You are too late," the boss explained. "There is no need to fight. Come into the circle and see the fate of your people."
Hedgewind Jalinbeti was the first to step into the circle and exclaimed to the Sewochi boss, "We're taking the girl."
Eventually, everyone in the party clambered into the circle. Once entered the circle shimmered and teleported the party to what Mira Nephilim noticed was a very short distance from the caves.
They came out on a plateau overlooking a vast valley. The valley was filled with what looked to be over a million Sewochi of all descriptions and colors, green and soft-skinned, brown and scaley, white and furry. They all seemed to be laboring toward a single goal, to create magic circles. More than a thousand circles could be seen by the party from their vantage point.
"You are witnessing the end of Otan," the boss announced. "Go, take the girl, tell your people. Their time has come."
Upon that pronouncement the Sewochi boss abandoned the circle and the party and proceeded down the hill and into the valley below. The party wasted no time in returning to Otan, with Mira Nephilim controlling the portals.
Shardenzar Lies in Wait[edit]
When the party arrived back in Otan, Obsidian Black was not disappointed to find that Shardenzar stood on the path to the portal in wait, much as he had before. He chided the party and explained that they could not keep "the girl" referring to the fire-builder Jalindi.
Obsidian Black responded badly, casting his signature "yeet" spell, sending Shardenzar way into the air. Shardenzar fell back to the ground at considerable force, breaking nearly everything in his body that was once whole. He was quite unmistakably dead.
Meanwhile, Shardenzar had (apparently) been concentrating on an illusion that shielded a squad of six Eriquat bloodcasters, which were revealed to be encircling the party.
Is Shardenzar really dead? Will the bloodcasters, get their revenge? Can anyone in the party survive? Find out next week!
Cabinet Report[edit]
Aspanjalisi Prefecture[edit]
Cabinet Postion | Name | Report |
Minister of Agriculture | Zhanik Zaure | Farmers have arrived in the region. Planting of very short-season legume crops is underway. |
Minister of Mines | Darkhan Kasisi | Can't talk, prospecting. |
Minister of Trade & Development | Zhanik Akerke | Is not a time to write reports, is a time to make money. |
Minister of Magic | Saduakas Yermek | The bridge has been completed and various merchants have taken an interest in the town. |
Minister of Religion | Elnara Kasietti | Can't talk, praising Woden and raising funds for a temple. |
Shadow Cabinet | Aysha Uri | Wondering what needs cleaning. |
Weekly Statistics[edit]
Revenue | Population | Food | Trade | Military | |||||
Income | 0 GP | Immigration | 0 | Production | 0 Osmina | Imports | 0 GP | Recruitment | 0 |
Spending | 0 GP | Emmigration | 0 | Consumption | 0 Osmina | Exports | 0 GP | Losses | 0 |
Surplus/Deficit | 0 GP | Net Change | 0 | Surplus/Deficit | 0 Osmina | Surplus/Deficit | 0 GP | Change | 0 |
Treasury | 0 GP | Population | 24,000 | Storage | 0 Osmina | Total Troops | 0 |
- an Osmina is roughly 100kg of food.
New Ministers to be added!
Everything Amiss in Otan[edit]
There is a new link for this: Everything Amiss in Otan.
Player Notes[edit]
Add some notes here if I have any (important) errors or omissions.
Panamon instructed Zhanik Zaure to focus on crops that allow for maximum yields in a short season to feed the population quickly and for next season to prepare a mix of high protein crops with another half of high income-producing crops.
Panamon instructed Saduakas Yermek to focus on recruiting artificers and magic shops to open in town and promote the province as an excellent place to do business with reduced taxation for magical suppliers/creators.
Copyright © 2021-2025 by Robyn Blaber and Will to Power Games. All rights reserved. Content on this website may not be reproduced without written permission of the copyright owner. |