Aspanjalisi Prefecture cabinet

From OtanWiki

Created by the various appointments of Panamon Cree, the Aspanjalisi Prefecture cabinet is the administrative body that controls the Aspanjalisi Prefecture.

Aspanjalisi Prefecture cabinet
Aspanjalisi Prefecture cabinet
Country Jalinjeri
Region Aspanjalisi Prefecture
Leader Panamon Cree
Government Feudal rule
Headquarters Aspanjalisi Citadel
Membership ~3 members
Associations Council of Jalinjeri
Religion Mostly Wodenism
Racial Mix Mixed
Founded 261 IM
Founded by Panamon Cree

Cabinet Members[edit]

Cabinet Postion Name Responsibilites
Sky Minister Panamon Cree The leader of Aspanjalisi Prefecture.
Chief of Staff [[]] Oversees the Ministers & Cabinet.
Minister of State Affairs [[]] Responsible for trade delegations & promotion of the province outside its borders.
Minister of the Treasury [[]] Coins, finance & taxation.
Minister of Justice & Rehabilitation [[]] Oversee law, administration of justice & magistrates.
Minister of Defense [[]] Military and protection of the provincial borders.
Minister of Justice [[]] Manages the barbaric justice system.
Minister of Agriculture Zhanik Zaure Agriculture.
Minister of Trade and Development [[]] Commerce within the province and overseeing transportation on land & river.
Minister of Shadows [[]] Intelligence & Espionage.
Minister of Mines Darkhan Kasisi (candidate) Mines & minerals.
Minister of Entertainment [[]] Entertainment & parties.
Minister of Religion Elnara Kasietti (candidate) Oversees religion and taxing of religious institutions.
Minister of Magic Saduakas Yermek Promotes, controls and oversees magic in the Prefecture.
Chief of Ælfes [[]] Promotes, controls and oversees magic in the Prefecture.
Chief Architect [[]] Oversees new buildings, bridges, tunnels, defense systems, irrigation, etc.
Mayor of Aspanjalisi [[]] Mayor of Provincial Capital.
Captain of the Guard [[]] Maintain order in Aspanjalisi
Warlock of Æski
Shadow Cabinet
Erbol Aidos Oversees the warlock activities in the Province & promotes Æski.
Lady of Assassinations
Shadow Cabinet
Aysha Uri (candidate) Assassinations.
Lord or Lady of Collections
Shadow Cabinet
[[]] Personal protection & personal collector (when required).

Cabinet Allies[edit]

Ally Title Name Description
Garis Rebel Aspan Jurisi The leader of a rag-tag group of rebels in the Garis Triumvirate capital of Trappist.
Cult of Æski Leader Dauren Kulsinis The leader of a rag-tag group of cultists dedicated to Æski in the Araldar capital of Jagalik.


Post conflict goal is achieve the one and only trading post and embassy in Garis using the relationship with the rebels once a new government is placed.

Post conflict goal is achieve the primary trading post and embassy in Araldar and establish the closest relationship with the reformed country using Dauren Kulsinis as a point of contact.

Player Notes[edit]