Fortieth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | January 5th, 2022 |
Start Date | Evening, Tamiz 26th, 261 IM |
Start Location | Trappist Citadel, Trappist |
Ending Date | Morning Tamiz 30th 261 IM |
Ending Location | Halperion Keep, Halperion |
Prev Session | Thirty-ninth Session |
Next Session | Forty-first Session |
The Fortieth Session began with the party in an elevator, which was supposed to elevate them out of the lower level of the Trappist Citadel. It, unfortunately, failed to elevate once it reached halfway up its 100 ft. ascent. The elevator stopped and Mira wedged open the doors, revealing a stone wall. Trapped.
Obsidian, disintegrated part of the wall making ample space for the party to climb into. Upon moving into the space the elevator went down. The party went up, flying, levitating, and climbing until they reached the top of the shaft, Panamon cleverly obstructing the mechanism that lifted the elevator. When the doors at the top were wedged open, there was no one outside to greet them and the party made their way back to the rebel base.
Rebel Yell[edit]
When they got back to the base, the rebels were delighted to hear that they had secured the meme and made it out safely. They seemed distracted, with lowered ears and tucked-in tails. They took in the story about the Franken-Garis in the complex and speculated on whether they would be able to do future reconnaissance. Meanwhile, they informed Obsidian that he had a guest.
Envoy to Obsidian[edit]
Obsidian climbed the stairs in the rebel home to find a woman waiting in a room for him. She was, in his estimation the most beautiful woman possible. He could also tell that her body was coursing with draconic blood. The conversation was short. She explained that she was Asil, Aide-de-camp to the Eldest of the Aydahar, leader of the Altinqor, Kurban Aldijan.
He explained that her master, the Eldest, wished to possess the three Memes that Obsidian currently held (he held 4, but he assumed that he knew which 3 of the 4). She said that she would give him some time to consider her request and his answer. He was very much charmed by her and felt that he would have a difficult time denying her request.
The party explained that there was a new problem with the Garis war effort. Namely, a new soldier was being developed in the citadel's basement. It appeared to be some kind of altered version of an Ustemdik Garis that was super-sized. While no one had tested the theory, they looked especially nasty and there might be some way for their continued production to further the Garis war effort.
The rebels learned that their cover, the remaining security badge (Rafael's was likely being sought after and safely in the pocket dimension), had been compromised and the rebel employee had been fired along with all the cleaning crew. The rebels continued to look into the matter and discovered that the research was not only local but had been distributed to several bases at the various Ustemdik Region cities.
The party resolved to return to the Dirti Nelli, stow the new meme, and instruct Captain Bubbles to sail as far inland as possible to return the memes to Panamon's future city of Aspanjalisi. First, they would need Captain Bubbles to bring the Dirti Nelli round to coast off Trappist where they would swim, float, or fly out to meet her.
Meanwhile, the party was confronted by Asil, who demanded Obsidian's answer. The party was all charmed by Asil's grace and beauty and no one felt compelled in the slightest to oppose her wishes... which were to acquire the specific Memes of Aspan. Obsidian said that he would meet her in Halperion in one week. Halperion was 8 days away.
Party Shenanigans[edit]
Meanwhile, the party had a few days to work on their personal skills. Obsidian practiced with his newly acquired pistol, which he exchanged two Garis rifles for. Mira learned more about the new meme, tried communication with the other builders, and discovered a great deal more about the construction of airships. She also found a reference to the birthplace of all builders... the place in her dream of death.
Panamon went into various dream-states to learn that something was afoot with the Ælfes in the port of Jagalik. They reported that the warships in the harbor had left and the troops had abandoned their patrols and were concentrated near the docks. He learned that Sadaukas and Erbol were digging a pit for the foundation of a new temple of Æski. Panamon also contacted Zhannur Timurlan who was much disgraced but seemed to be taking his losses in stride, confident in victory in the upcoming elections.
Lastly, Rayjok, in his official capacity as the Earth Minister of Halperion Prefecture, penned a missive to the Inspector General of the Garis Triumvirate and leader of the Akimsilik Region, Aizat Kamalbek. His missive read as follows:
"Blah blah blah... blah. Blah blah blah."
Garis Party Politics[edit]
Meanwhile, the rebels explained (as Mira's charmed birds investigated) the political situation unfolding in Trappist.
- The Ustemdik despite their crushing losses on the battlefield, wish to continue the war.
- The Beybitsilik continue to be opposed to further aggression but are determined to hold any currently held territory.
- The Akimsilik are discouraged by the losses so far and though they are committed to continuing the war, they will hold an election if the support for Zhannur Timurlan has dropped to the point where he is replaced.
- The Akimsilik are behind most of the Garis advances in technology.
- The Akimsilik hold the balance of power in the decision to continue the war, if they vote to continue, then the war will continue.
- The Beybitsilik will never surrender occupied territory unless the council is to vote unanimously in favor of such an action. This has never happened in Garis history.
- The Garis military still possesses Otan's strongest naval force and only air force.
- An election will be held if a) Timurlan is replaced or b) the tide of public opinion sways wildly.
Halperion Keep[edit]
When the party arrived at the Dirti Nelli, they wasted no time in teleporting to Erbol's Place in Halperion. They made for the keep to fine Asil was waiting for them, and half the keep was waiting on her, hand and foot. Obsidian went in to meet her, struggling to rise above her charms and determined to make any decisions he might make on his own without her influence. With all his resistance brought to bear, he found himself up to the task of saying 'No'.
Asil explained that she would like to combine the four related Memes to conduct an experiment and see what could be done about the Garis occupation of her country. She said that she believed the memes might give them an advantage over the Garis. She asked Obsidian to bring his memes to the capital of Altinqor, Kasinasi, to examine the properties of the four combined boxes. Fully able and prepared to say 'No', Obsidian said, "Yes."
An excited Asil jumped up in glee and kissed Obsidian on the cheek. Obsidian's encounter with draconic blood this close and charged to this heightened strength noticeably lifted his fortitude. He felt he had more power as well, but conducted no tests. He was, of his own volition resolved to take his Memes to Kazinasi.
Everything Wrong in Otan[edit]
Per the request of David McIntyre (Rayjok), I present a list of many (if not all) of the things that are possibly not good in Otan.
- Jalinjeri Issues
- Hedgewind Jalinbeti is the Garis' enemy #1.
- The Council of Nine might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
- The Garis might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
- The Tsar of Ortalyk (if he lives) might very well be interested in the destruction of Hedgewind and the entire country.
- The entire country is overrun with refugees and may run into massive food shortages with winter coming.
- Halperion Prefecture has a LOT of dragons in a small space.
- None of the Jalinjeri prefectures have seasoned governments and may not be up to the task of managing the country's everyday problems... let alone the exceptional problems.
- There are few trees for building and the nearby Balagash forest was burned down.
- Garis Issues
- There is an ongoing shooting war. The Garis, though greatly diminished in troop size, have a strong navy and air force able to dominate most of the rest of Otan.
- The Garis occupy Ortalyk. The Tsar of Ortalyk is missing and presumed dead. The heir apparent to the Tsar is missing and presumed dead.
- The Garis occupy the eastern country of Sigis. The Emperor of Sigis is missing and presumed dead.
- The Garis navy sunk the Araldar navy. The Grand Admiral of Araldar is missing and presumed dead.
- The Garis occupy most of Altinqor and currently encircle its capital region, which could fall at any day.
- The Garis occupy most of the Caliphate of Ontustik and currently encircle its capital region, which could fall at any day.
- Ælfgarad Issues
- Sewochi Issues
- There are green 4-armed creatures who seem to float upon Otani shores and kill everything from turtles to whales to sailing ships.
- There is a portal near the Towers of Eriquat where there are more varieties of the 4-armed creatures, many of whom are very powerful. Can they come back through the portal in great numbers? Will they?
- The 4-armed creatures are not communicative and seem to want to simply kill any living (Otani) thing they encounter.
- The green 4-armed creatures dropped golden stones that enable deep-sea navigation, explaining how they got to Otan.
- The lava-loving 4-armed creatures dropped blue stones that yell at Panamon's brain.
- The lava-loving 4-armed creatures have a Fire Qurilissi held hostage.
- Dragons, which seemed to have an easy time of killing the green 4-armed creatures, have been mostly murdered by the Garis and no longer clean the creatures off the southern coast.
- Otani Issues
- Death doesn't seem to work properly. Re: Death Machine, Obsidian's afterlife, rising undead.
- The price of diamonds (for resurrection/reincarnation) has risen 100 fold and might be hard to find at that price.
- Every five days, clerics and warlocks lose their power to create magic for a day.
- The Council of Nine, who caused and then brokered the peace between the humans and non-humans favored the actions of the Garis in their bid to take over the entire Otani continent.
- The Council of Nine seems to be in league with at least one of the 4-armed creatures.
- The Council of Nine seems to be in league with at least one never-before-seen creature.
- Mira Nephilim has learned that the reunification of the four remaining Qurilissi might be important. She has learned that there are only four on Otan and that there were likely many many more.
- Other Issues
- There's stuff going on that you don't even know about, and it's really serious!
Player Notes[edit]
Add some notes here if I have any (important) errors or omissions.
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