Lands of Otan

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Welcome to the Lands of Otan Wiki

This wiki was created to manage the fantasy world of Robyn Blaber, created for his anticipated fantasy novel series. Doing double duty, the fantasy world and wiki is currently being play tested in a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition setting, where real players are experiencing this universe first hand. While many aspects of the game will be represented on the wiki, those specific to Dungeons & Dragons will not find their way into the novels.

Player's Handbook


Encyclpædia Otanica


Atlas of Otan


Heroes of Otan


Exploring Otan

Map of Otan

The world of Otan is vast, some 19 countries containing 370 settlements each with its own unique characteristics from race to religion, from government to culture. Each has a local tradition and history. Each has unique and interesting characters and each has aspirations for the future and the future of Otan. Here are some of the most visited pages:

Exploring Sewoch

Map of Sewoch

Like most things Otan is part of something bigger. While the Otan continent occupies the northern hemisphere of it's world, the southern hemisphere is occupied by East and West Sewoch. There is little about Sewoch that a traveller from Otan would find familiar, not the people, cultures, politics or religions. Take a look:

  • Sewoch (continents)
    • (region)
      • (settlement)

The Heroes of Otan

There are currently two unfolding Dungeons & Dragons (5e) campaigns running through the ever evolving world of Otan. While there is room for more than one campaign in this vast world, there currently is only one, with five brave heroes exploring:

The Primordial Campaign           The Tertiary Campaign
The Farthing Campaign           The Collateral Campaign (Playing by Post)

OtanWiki currently has 447 articles.