The Primordial Campaign

From OtanWiki

The following are the annals of the first Heroes of Otan in what is dubbed The Primordial Campaign... this according to those who were there.

Primordial Campaign Timeline

The following sections are expressly for party use. The DM will fill in the basics, however all the gory details will remain for the party to fill in as they wish. Creation of other pages, adding in of conjecture, questions to be answered or theories about what anything encountered might mean are highly encouraged.

First Session

The First Session brought the party together at The Stuffed Kobold beginning a quest under the stewardship of Anasha Bastiga.

Second Session

The Second Session in which an abandoned old keep is stormed by the party.

Third Session

The Third Session in which the party divides itself into smaller parties to revisit the keep.

Fourth Session

The Fourth Session...

Fifth Session

The Fifth Session...

Sixth Session

The Sixth Session...

Seventh Session

The Seventh Session...

Eighth Session

The Eighth Session...

Ninth Session

The Ninth Session...

Tenth Session

The Tenth Session...

Day Two

Day Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven

Days Eight and Nine

The day started when Obsidian Black was presented with a note from the innkeeper, addressed from Hedgewind Jalinbeti. The missive read as follows:

Commision from Hedgewind Jalinbeti

The commission was accompanied with a small tapestry depicting Koboldy Rock and the Lords of Koboldy Rock.

A Tapestry Depicting Koboldy Rock

Human Resources

The party embarked immediately on a plan to find a Grand Vizier, otherwise known as a hospitality manager to manage the billeting at Koboldy Rock. Unprompted, the proprietor at The Stuffed Kobold, Erbol Rysbek, suggested that the party hire his daughter Gulshara Rysbek, which was done immediately.

Back to the Rock

To help Gulshara make an estimate of the costs of billeting the construction workers employed by Hedgewind Jalinbeti to help construct the new western town of Jalinbeti, the party escorted her west to inspect Koboldy Rock. On the way, they encountered a collection of goblins, 3 of whom were taken prisoner.


Greef Roake and Rayjok interrogated and slew the goblin prisoners. They learned that the goblins were seeking papers, possibly goblin in origin, but most certainly magic. They learned that these papers were most likely held within the keep at Kalagay (possibly Calgary). It was not learned precisely who is in possession of the papers.

Om nom nom!

That evening, the basement of Koboldy Rock became infested with large carrion crawlers. The beasts likely pushed their way through the kobolds old tunnels (or possibly the back door) to munch on kobold crisps and goblin corpses. The party, working nearly all together for once, made short work of them. Obsidian Black couldn't be bothered at first, but when the thunder started to roll he realized there was zero chance of sleep so he wandeded down in his bathrobe and bunny slippers and flamed the last crawler. Later, Panamon Cree discovered a small sculpture of a keep in the belly of one of the beasts. The origin of the sculpture is not known.

A River Runs Through It

On the way back to Balagash the party experienced wide but not terribly violent earth tremors. This was followed by a the sound of tsunami level crashing of water. The result of this upheaval was the forming of a new river, quickly dubbed Balagash River. This new addition to the Otan map starts conveniently at the site where Jalinbeti is to be established, and runs past Balagash emptying into the Astanals River, creating a natural trade route from Jalinbeti to the capitol, Kala Astanals

Day Ten