Tenth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | Tuesday, April 6, 2021 |
Start Date | Mamir 24, 261 IM |
Start Location | Karagay Citadel, Karagay, Karagay Province, Ortalyk |
Ending Date | Mamir 24, 261 IM |
Ending Location | Karagay Citadel, Karagay, Karagay Province, Ortalyk |
Absentees | David McIntyre/Rayjok |
Prev Session | Ninth Session |
Next Session | Eleventh Session |
The Tenth Session opened with the party, now enhanced with 5 Fists of Woden, surveying the cavern opening where several Grendel were busy at work digging a tunnel into the lower level of Karagay Citadel. While the party overheard the Grendel talking about traitors, they considered perhaps to leave the Grendel to their work and report the digging to authorities, perhaps in the expectation of a reward.
Greef Roake declared a plan where he would volunteer as the lead pincushion, by engaging in a conversation with the Grendel explaining that they are digging in a place where they would be caught in a trap. Waving off a wound from an errantly thrown javelin, he marched into the midst of the Grendel and stepped right into the tunnel, causing them to bunch together to hear his oration.
Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting[edit]
Completely baffled by this gambit, the Grendel were caught unawares by the party's AOE attacks that severely injured a wave of them. The following combat saw two of the Fists of Woden flee the battlefield, upon realizing that the Grendel were real and not part of some prank ritual.
Two of the remaining Fists were beheaded by a scimitar wielding Grendel, and the last of the Fists, Abyl Sarsen, fought quite heroically, having finished off a total of 4 Grendel including the nasty scimitar wielding one. With help from the entire party, the Grendel warbosses were finally toppled and the remaining Grendel dropped nearly instantly.
Looting the corpses yielded a sizable amount of gold and another citadel shaped "key".
Rinse and Repeat[edit]
Wasting little time, the party investigated the tunnel that had been dug by the Grendel. They had dug all the way to a plaster wall inside the complex, through which they could occasionally hear the voices of even more Grendel. The party broke through the wall and with Panamon Cree disguised as a Grendel, they lured three pairs of guards into the room (ostensibly a barracks), slew them and stuffed their corpses into the tunnel.
Can I Talk to You About Woden, Our Lord and Savior?[edit]
Once the flow of guards seemed to cease, the party broke out into the 30ft hallway, to check out the rest of the complex. They embarked on a door to door search of the complex, finding a few uninteresting rooms. They were finally surprised by a Grendel, who was clutching a well controlled Aydahar prisoner. While Panamon Cree was creating the deception that he himself was escorting prisoners, Obsidian Black incapacitated the Grendel and his captive with a sleep spell.
Upon entering the room, the party discovered a dozen Aydahar captives in cages. They were eventually rallied to help the party by Obsidian Black who shares an eerie streak of similar blood, specifically black draconic blood. The Aydahar were all (obviously to Obsidian), of black draconic descent as evidenced by their blackened scales and Obsidian's draconic senses. The group agreed to assist the party, with the hope of gaining freedom and extracting some revenge.
One of the black Aydahar appeared to be half human and somewhat distinct from the group.
But Wait! There's More![edit]
The other side of the hallway revealed a locked door, a store room and a similar room full of caged Aydahar, this time more or less obviously of a red dragon descent. The party also freed these and directed them to the barracks to find what weapons and armour were left over.
Panamon Cree eventually opened the large double doors at the end of the hall to reveal 3 wyrmling sized red dragons caged in a blood encrusted and corpse riddled room with a large magic circle in it. One of the dragons attacked with its breath, only to have its breath absorbed by the magic circle. This seemed to cause a wind (previously experienced) to whirl around the large corridors.
Lastly they opened a door to reveal a similarly caged young (large) black dragon. After much effort, Obsidian Black freed the dragon and enlisted it to join the party in some revenge seeking and hopefully eventual escape. The dragon enthusiastically agreed.
Behind the Green Door[edit]
With the help of the black dragon, the last door was melted and wrenched from its moorings. The party discovered a couple of treasure chests and a mysterious looking map. The map, devoid of political or other demarcations listed only the relative locations of various cities, a few of which were crudely circled with charcoal.
Scooping up the map, the party retired from this room, continued to arm the red Aydahar and began to prepare for battle in what may be the final room in this portion of the underground complex.
And now, we wait...
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