Sixth Session

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Sixth Session
There's Something About this Box
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date Sunday, Mar 9, 2021
Start Date Mamir 08, 261 IM
Start Location Balagash, Ortalyk
Ending Date Mamir 09, 261 IM
Ending Location In the kobold pit of Balagash Keep, Balagash, Ortalyk
Prev Session Fifth Session
Next Session Seventh Session

Taking Care of Business[edit]

The party ponied up 1000 gp, providing their new Grand Visier Gulshara Rysbek. She explained her intentions to get to work providing regular supply runs to and from Koboldy Rock to get it ready for Hedgewind Jalinbeti's building crew. She said she hope to have it suitable for overnight stays within a week.

This Porridge is Not Right[edit]

What was obviously a summons from Hedgewind, Matteo Alleman's food started talking to him. This led to an Imp to Imp conversation on the outskirts of town... which ultimately led to a very contentious visit to the office of the Captain of the Guard.

Dealing with Fire[edit]

Hedgewind had a plan. He wish the party retrieve a jewelled box that previously belonged to him. Greef Roake yelled at him... a lot. Hedgewind explained that he could hire the party as city guards, giving them access to the grounds around the Balagash Keep. This would enable them to enter the supposed location of the box, by swimming through some... uhhh... filth in a shallow but disgusting moat surrounding the keep. The party was provided a one-way ticket out of their quest in the form of a rope, and a magic word, both of which were given to Panamon Cree.

In some rare exposition from Hedgewind, he explained that it was Irimshik Akimi who ordered the execution of the previous Captain of the Guard, Anasha Bastiga. Further he explained that Irimshik's son, Alanar Akimi was trusted not only to defend his own western keep, but had been entrusted by Hedgewind to keep his jewelled box safe; both missions having failed spectacularly.

Beating Ochre Jelly Time[edit]

Upon entering the ground level interior of the keep, the party decided to avoid disturbing a big double door, heading right down a corridor and into the domain of some ochre jellies. These awful things were nearly a match for the party, and took a lot of killing before they were finally killed.

What the Actual Fuck?[edit]

The Kobold-ridden lower level of Balagash Keep

A portcullis was lifted, giving the party access to the stores, they found large quantities of sand, flour, water... curious ingredients. A single door lead north, behind which a lot of activity was heard.

Matteo Alleman kicked open the door to reveal over a dozen busy kobolds. They appeared to have been involved in some magical ritual or experiment of a magical nature. The party killed a few of them before they could mount a counter attack. Counter attack they did however, nearly sending Greef Roake to meet Woden in person. A quick heal spell from Rayjok brought Greef Roake back to the concerns of the living and the kobold's were all slain. All but 3...

Stay tuned next week!