Matteo Alleman

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Matteo Alleman
Matteo Alleman posing for the camera
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Player Name Mykola Labach
Titles Co-Lord of Koboldy Rock
Honours Killed some Kobolds
Race Human
Nationality Ortalyk
Class (lvl) Fighter (4)
Alignment Lawful Good
Religion Wodenism
Home Koboldy Rock
Special Abilities Hits things good, hits you back if you hit him. Sometimes good with words and brain things. Usually not.
Special Items Matteo's Morningstar of Pain
Owner of Part of Koboldy Rock
Parents Mr. and Mrs. Alleman
Associates Greef Roake

Matteo Alleman is a member of The Primordial Campaign.

About Matteo[edit]

Party potion tester. Recently had a religious experience and opened his eyes to the power of Woden. Thinks Greef is great.

Now that he's a right proper lord - he wants to rule his land in a just and fair way, and end any threats to his people.

Even if his people are 10 mercenaries in a barracks for now.


A man who would love a quiet place to have a drink if he weren't perpetually broke and surrounded by Kobolds.

Offensive Skills[edit]

Action surge lets me go twice Riposte lets me get a free attack if someone misses me Quick Toss lets me draw and hurl a weapon quickly Thrown Weapon Fighting Style does more damage Shield Master lets me quickly shove people with my shield

Defensive Skills[edit]

Second wind lets me heal Shield Master lets me dodge dex things with my shield

Special Abilities[edit]

I can add a D8 to several skill checks as part of my tactical wit and commanding presence.


Matteo spent a few years serving the Tsar in the imperial guard. He was honorably discharged after the wars with the Kobolds to the north.

Future Aspirations[edit]

To one day buy his own horse and his own set of plate and live in his own castle.


A veteran soldier trying to make it big in Ortalyk.