Kuulik Trade Company

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Kuulik Trade Company
Capitol Narik
Head of State Akerke
Government Corporate Beaurocracy
Location Northeast Otan
Land Area 13,024 sq. miles
Population 693,220
Racial Mix
Founded 1 IM
Founded by [[]]
The Flag of Kuulik Trade Company

The Kuulik Trade Company is the smallest nation in Otan, yet boasts the most far-reaching influence of any nation. The diminutive size and small numbers of the Kuulik people preclude their ability to bully other nations on the battlefield. Having settled in the largely infertile and undesirable territory, the people of the Kuulik Trade Company have affected world politics through trade.


A Political Map of Kuulik Territory

With rare exceptions, the territory of the Kuulik Trade Company is comprised of Kuulik citizens. Non-Kuulik citizens old enough to perform work duties are considered employees of the company. Non-citizens who occupy the territory are almost entirely traders or bargain-hunters looking to acquire goods before they are sent abroad.

Traders can be of any strain as they hail from every country in Otan from Ortalyk to Araldar. Many Kuulik Trade Company citizens live abroad, establishing and maintaining trade routes in every port and settlement where currency can be found. The Kuulik Trade Company offices are often considered a boon to most nations, who rely on their dedication to trading to keep local economies energized.

Because Kuulik Trade Company offices on foreign soil are so easily taxed, the governments benefitting provide the offices with police and military protection, as well as the benefit of the doubt in court cases or other disputes.


The peninsula occupied by the Kuulik Trade Company, situated between Ortalyk and Maercland is small. It covers only thirteen thousand square miles, making it the smallest country in Otan.

Ortalyk Regions

Ortalyk is made up of 9 distinct provinces, each under the control and supervision of a Boyar. Unless otherwise directed by the Tsar, the Boyar will appoint and administer the Governors of the settlements within their provinces. They Boyar will also raise and administer a military force to represent their province in the country's overall military force. The number of troops to be supplied is relational to the population of the province.

Sawda Canton

Sawda Canton Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 8,592
Rural population 382,895
Urban population 74,642
Total population 457,537

Sawda Canton is a canton of 457,537 souls in the country of Kuulik Trade Company. Sawda Canton is administered from the provincial capital Narik by the [[]].

Gemlok Province

Gemlok Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   9,292
Rural population   601,599
Urban population   22,393
Total population   623,992

The Gemlok Province is one of the least populated regions of the country. The major settlements are as follows:

Kalampir Province

Kalampir Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   19,832
Rural population   1,242,968
Urban population   94,630
Total population   1,337,598

The Kalampir Province is the most populated region of the country. The major settlements are as follows:

Karagay Province

Karagay Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   11,348
Rural population   354,202
Urban population   32,686
Total population   386,888

The Karagay Province is a small province with only three major settlements. The major settlements are as follows:

Neim Province

Neim Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   22,424
Rural population   881,971
Urban population   62,164
Total population   944,135

The Neim Province is the home of six major Ortalyk settlements, which are as follows:

Rezenke Province

Rezenke Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   8,836
Rural population   598,978
Urban population   29,679
Total population   628,657

The Rezenke Province borders two countries and the ocean, but has neither a port nor trade routes the the neighbouring Batis or its southern neighbor Aydahar. With strained relations between humans and the dragonborn, it is understandable that the latter routes do not exist, however the Batis traders seem to pass Rezenke by on matters of trade, preferring to trade directly in the capitol.

The Rezenke Province is home to only two major settlements, which are as follows:

Sayagasi Province

Sayagasi Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   16,348
Rural population   1,086,625
Urban population   82,406
Total population   1,169,031

The Sayagasi Province is perhaps the safest in the country having no foreign borders. Raiding ships would also have to pass other Ortalyk provinces to approach the Sayagasi coast, which would be a rare and difficult prospect. Almost all coastal travel on the Sayagasi coast is devoted to trade.

The Sayagasi Province is host to seven major settlements. These are as follows:

Sop Province

Sop Province Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   8,072
Rural population   136,161
Urban population   14,437
Total population   150,598

The Sop Province's lone city of Balsagasi receives few visitors. The province of Sop Borders Ontustik to the south, however the Calphate is rarely interested in affairs outside its borders. The Sop Province is home to only one major settlement, which serves as it's capitol:

Former Kiywar Territory

The former Kiywar Territory
Kiywar Territory Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.)   56,468
Rural population   240,305
Urban population   0
Total population   240,305

The former Kiywar Territory is no longer part of Ortalyk having seceded to form the new republic of Jalinjeri.

The Kiywar Territory was the largest and least populated region of the country and has no official settlements. An unofficial settlement had recently been established prior to its secession. It now serves as the capitol of the newly formed republic of Jalinjeri:

Notable Ortalyk Landmarks

Political Environment

Ortalyk's current leader, Tsar Batil Zhurek was granted his title by his family, the legendary Zhurek dynasty. While it is traditional for the role of Tsar to pass from father to son, it is the Zhurek family who are the final arbiters. They have on rare occasions passed over sons for succession in favour of daughters and deposed reigning Tsars in favour of other family members. The tradition is family rule over all other tradition.

It is well known that the Zhurek dynasty has existed since 1 IM, but what is not known is how far back it actually existed. Some speculate a legacy as long as 1,000 years. Ortalyk's best spellcasters and clerics have been unable to divine information from before the Great Erasure in which the memories of all creatures and men of Otan were lost.

International Politics

With human and non-human states on all sides, Ortalyk often operates in broad strokes when it comes to managing their relationships with neighbor states. Ortalyk has been in nearly a constant state of war with the Ungirsi, Grendel and Kuuliki nations to the north. It has been in repeated conflicts with both their human and dragonborn neighbors to the south, the former for reasons that stem from religion and the latter for providing political, financial and material support to their kobold ancestors.

National Politics

Ortalyk is made up of 9 provinces, each of which is administered by a Boyar, including the capitol province of Astanals. The Boyars in turn nominate Governors to manage each settlement in their domain. While keeping life running smoothly in their assigned province is their chief concern, each Boyar is ultimately responsible to provide troops to the Tsar including infantry, crossbowmen and cavalry organized as divisions of the Tsar's Army.

Provincial Politics

In every province there are one or more settlements of a thousand or more Ortalykshilar. Each of the 28 settlements is administered by a Governor, who is appointed either by their representative Boyar or in some cases, by the Tsar himself.

Civic Politics

The Governors are tasked with maintaining the cities, providing security for the inhabitants and assisting in recruiting for their reigning Boyar. During times of peace, it is not unusual for a city governorship to be a lifetime appointment unless corruption, egregious mismanagement, or other malfeasance is found in their administration. Minor frailties in a governor's rule will generally be met with 'special assistance' from the Boyar, or even the Tsar, before they are ever replaced.


The Ortalyk military is made up of 18 regular divisions and one special division dubbed The Tsar's Guard. The latter are hand picked soldiers from the other provincial regiments. Provincial divisions are recruited and organized by that province's Boyar, though it is rare for the Boyar to be part of the division. Each division not led by the Boyar is commanded by soldier of the rank of general.

Military organization can vary from one division to another depending on a number of factors from recruitment and logistics, to terrain and the nature of the enemy. Flying enemies may require special tactics, while tunneling enemies require another. The bulk of most regiments are made up of infantry, followed in numbers by crossbowmen, cavalry, engineers, quartermasters, signallers and special forces. The latter often made up of spellcasters and other adventurer classes.

The Tsar's Guard is in contrast, low on infantry, while rich in crossbow and cavalry. This special division is also host to some very powerful spellcasters and other adventure classes with the Tsar Batil Zhurek having often taking to the battlefield himself.


The capitol of Ortalyk, Kala Astanals, has simply existed for all of known time. It's name in the Ortalykshilar tongue, once assumed to be the common tongue means "capitol city". Under the leadership of the Zhurek dynasty, Ortalyk has been in a state of constant war, most often with Orks and their like but periodically with other more agreeable humanoid racess such as Elves and Dwarves.

Many of these great conflicts found their origins in the wars fomented by the great wizard Nickar and his sworn enemy Zoranthar. It was Batil Zhurek with the help of Shardenzar Sardarbek who eventually brokered a peace between them. This peace ultimately spread through most of the Otan, though pockets of conflict continue to exist.