Zhenis Kulyash

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Zhenis Kulyash
A Portrait of Zhenis Kulyash
Titles Eldest Disciple of the Grand Chantry of Jormungandr
Race Aydahar
Nationality Altinqor
Archetype Mage
Religion Wodenism
Home Kazinasi, Altin Aydahar Region, Altinqor
Birthdate/Place 19th of Karasa, 204 IM Koyukizil, Kumis Aydahar Region, Altinqor
Factions Chantry of Jormungandr
5e Equivalence Warlock (20)
5e Alignment Mostly Good

Zhenis Kulyash has been appointed to the position of Eldest Disciple of the Grand Chantry of Jormungandr. He is responsible for maintaining the words and deeds of Woden through the eyes of Jormungandr.



Player Notes[edit]