Twenty-third Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 |
Start Date | Morning, Mawsim 18th, 261 IM |
Start Location | The Elder, Koke, Altinqor |
Ending Date | Morning, Mawsim 22nd, 261 IM |
Ending Location | The Commodore, Jagalik, Araldar |
Prev Session | Twenty-second Session |
Next Session | Twenty-fourth Session |
This session started on a sad note. Once again the party started its day in the The Elder hotel but this time the breakfast table seemed barren as Dutch Dauren and Mama Tess did not come down from their rooms. Instead, a note for the party was left at the front desk. It seemed to be written by Dutch, and read as follows:
Dear Obsidian, Panamon, Mira and Sarani,
Mama Tess and I have been called back to our motherland of Karazalik by the Queen Mother herself. It seems them green sum'bitches that have been dragon food here have been crawling up the rivers back home. They've been a real problem, I'm told. Maybe Mama with her new armor and me, what with all my new experience, can but up their little party.
So long and stay safe, Dutch and Mama Tess
The backside of the note had more writing:
Hey Panamon deary. A little birdie flew down to greet me and it had a message for you. "Panamon, Panamon, Panamon, it looks like, uhh, it looks like we've finally made it to the coast. We're setting sail for the capitol of the capitol of Araldar. Good good good luck with all that you do."
Scrying the Cultists[edit]
Not knowing whether his geas was complete, Panamon Cree consulted with his scrying spell to observe his cultist friends Saduakas Yermek and Erbol Aidos. His was able to make them out rocking back and forth aboard a ship bound west. By all indications, they were preparing a large chest, chaining it up and locking it, presumably with the Meme of Aspan inside it. Confirming what was indicated by the note, the chatter he was able to scry seemed to indicate that the pair was on their way to "the capitol" for some much needed rest.
Further scrying indicated that the now ex-cultist (?) Ongar Sarsen was in the process of being resurrected by blue Aydahar priests, obviously from the Koke area. Their religion was not clearly evident, but it looked as though they were members of the Chantry of Jormungandr.
I Know a Guy Who Knows a Guy[edit]
While considering whether to get a boat to leave Koke the party consulted with the hotel's staff to inquire about the possibility of finding a wizard that might be able to teleport them to another city. He said that there was a currently a guest of the wizardly persuasion, however, he was not in his room at present. Obsidian Black inquired as to whether there was a teleport circle or something of that sort in the city. The innkeeper did not respond with knowledge, explaining that perhaps they might have something like that in the capitol.
Tank Construction[edit]
The party returned to the shoppe of Sapar Doszhan the armorer to inquire as to whether he could create another set of the nigh invincible exo-armor. The armorer, who was already working on several sets with his most recent purchase of corpses, said that he could prepare a new set if the price was right. A bargain for 4 corpses in exchange for a new set of armor for Mira Nephilim and a bag of holding for Obsidian Black sounded reasonable.
The deal was concluded. The party spent then next couple of nights, reducing their load, cramming the cream of their boxed papers into bags of holding and selling all but 4 of their riding animals to a nearby stablehand. Ready to travel, they approached the wizard to invoke the teleport spell.
Strangers in a Slightly Less Strange Land[edit]

The teleport spell failed to land the party in Jagalik, however, it did not kill everyone, which by wizard standards is a raging success. "Teleportation is not an exact science," explained Yeldos Kadyr, the elderly wizard who brought them this far. Riding out, they found that they were not too distant from a river. From there, they travelled downriver and eventually found themselves at the gates of the city of Jagalik.
They were greeted at the gates in plain old Otani and for the first time in a while, no translation was needed. The party was welcomed past the gates. No taxes were levied. They were directed to The Commodore, an inn and tavern overlooking the bay. There, the only oddity to remark was the hotel staff's surprised reaction to the party's strange riding beasts.
What new adventures await?!?
Player's Notes[edit]
For the most very important errors and/or omissions in this tale, let me know here.
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