Dutch Dauren

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Dutch Dauren
The Shapeshifter Ranger Dutch Dauren
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Player Name Austin a.k.a. Trash
Race Human (Shapeshifter)
Nationality Karazalik
Class (lvl) Ranger
Alignment Neutral Good

Dutch Dauren is a member of The Collateral Campaign.

About Dutch[edit]

Dutch Dauren is a southern charmed Shifter. As a wildhunt shifter, Dutch is a vigilant and effective hunter. He spends his days tracking wildlife and relocating creatures that stray too far into civilization. He keeps in touch with Mama Tess through her Druid Circle and wanders throughout the land learning what he can about the terrain and the creatures that dwell in them.


Dutch is all about helping and preserving wildlife. He is willing to help those in need and loves hunting. He has trained with a bow for a good portion of his life and does his best to put smiles on the faces of those he meets through southern hospitality and simple humor.

Special Abilities[edit]

Future Aspirations[edit]
