Twenty-second Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 |
Start Date | Morning, Mawsim 18th, 261 IM |
Start Location | The Elder, Koke, Altinqor |
Ending Date | Morning, Mawsim 22nd, 261 IM |
Ending Location | The Elder, Koke, Altinqor |
Absentees | Panamon Cree |
Prev Session | Twenty-first Session |
Next Session | Twenty-third Session |
The session started in the The Elder hotel. The morning for Mama Tess was greeted by a birdie who relayed a message to Panamon Cree. "Panamon, Panamon, Panamon," it tweeted. "Panamon, Kazinasi is too hot right now. We have to dispose of this box. We're leaving Altinqor for someplace safer, probably Araldar.
Mama Tess relayed the message to Panamon who seemed only interested in his notes. Panamon was only interested in his notes and soon the recipe for a new spell started to come into his mind. He continued to struggle as he made even more notes. Meanwhile, Obsidian Black seemed extra grouchy about not having secured that particular meme for the party.
Armorer, Mi Amore[edit]
The party decided to stick together and check in on the armorer, Sapar Doszhan. He invited the party into his shop and began to show them the unique qualities of the creature exoskeleton. The party concluded that it was indeed cool and the armorer asked if he could get any MORE of this material. Much negotiating followed, but led by Obsidian Black they negotiated a price of 3500 gold... each... for a quantity of 10 corpses.
After retrieving Panamon Cree from his room, they delivered the corpses, weighed themselves down with cash and Obsidian negotiated away 2 more corpses in exchange for a pair of drangonstooth daggers. The armorer claimed not to be the greatest of weaponsmiths, but had the raw materials and agreed to the bargain.
The Downs[edit]
Left to explore the city the party took in riding lizard races hosted on the military greens adjacent to Koke Citadel. The military were hosting various games and the party took particular interest in a race of 10 lizards. Upon learning that they could get very close to the lizards before placing their bets, they did just that. Mira Nephilim cast speak with animals and began to converse with the riding beasts.
"We're going to race! That's right! I'm pretty sure we're going to race!" They all chanted to one another. When Mira addressed them they were astonished. "It's a person speaking lizard! People don't speak lizard! How are you speaking lizard? Did you know we are going to race?"

Mira learned that the horse named Ospan was the keenest in the group to get to the finish line. "He always wins. Why does he always win? I don't know, he just wins a lot," they all said. When it was time to say bets they found that Ospan didn't have very great odds, but with their newfound wealth found it well within their budgets to make some heavy wagers. Dutch and Obsidian both placed bets on Ospan and also bet on the track's longshot, Bakyt.
The race was on and things looked bleak at the onset with Ospan and Bakyt tied for last. By the first corner though, Ospan was moving up in the pack. To everyone's surprise (including the GM), Bakyt started moving up the pack by the third corner and was charging hard. Near the end was Ospan, Ulukbek and Bakyt in a dead heat and it was Bakyt for the win. Obsidian and Dutch prospered greatly and nearly had to stagger under the weight of their new fortunes.
Out of His Skull[edit]
The party decided it was time to question the skull of Ongar Sarsen. With the speaking spell passed, the questions were asked. The party learned that he was working with his brother (we presume Turar Sarsen) and that he turned on Æski's plan because it ultimately killed his brother. They also discovered a little more about his warlocky designs on using the box and his notion to present the research to the Eldest of Aydahar.
GM note: Turar Sarsen was very much alive when the party left Kizil.
Iron Clad Mama[edit]
Back at the armor shop, Mama Tess tried on her new armor. It fit her perfectly. She found herself wearing flexible, light-weight armor that looks and feels nigh indestructible. What to do, what to do...
Player's Notes[edit]
For the most very important errors and/or omissions in this tale, let me know here.
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