Thirteenth Session

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Thirteenth Session
A Banquet for the Heroes of Jalinbeti
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date Tuesday, April 21, 2021
Start Date Mamir 26, 261 IM
Start Location Kara Chantry of Jormungandr, Kara, Aydahar Confederation
Ending Date Mawsim 1, 261 IM
Ending Location The Garis Trimvirate border inside the Aydahar Confederation
Prev Session Twelfth Session
Next Session Fourteenth Session

The Thirteenth Session began with our heroes still in the belly of what was once an ancient black dragon, lately serving as the Kara Chantry of Jormungandr. The party began with a break from combat having secured one of the Memes of Aspan, and soon broke up to explore the rest of the basement area.

Hey Gang! Let's Split Up![edit]

Panamon Cree went to explore the double doors to the south, while Greef Roake and Matteo Alleman went to examine the north door. Obsidian Black and Abyl headed up the stairs to check out the situation with his dead comrades and the advancing undead spotted earlier.

All did not go well. Greef uncovered interesting stocks of magical reagents in his room including a barrel of draconic blood and leafy branches from the Gum-gum tree. Obsidian discovered to his amazement, two very shocked members of his Aydahar retinue somehow still alive. Panamon, the least lucky of the three, opened a door to discover much worse.

A Trap is Set[edit]

Upon entering the southern room, Panamon Cree discovered an alive (formerly dead) Didara pinned to the ground by a fleshy homunculus. A voice in the air overhead said to him, "Drop the box and I'll let the girl go." Unwilling to take instructions in the face of overwhelming odds, Panamon did not drop the box, but chose rather to cast a spell and attack the homunculus with a Fey Spirit. No sooner than had the spirit attacked the creature, did Panamon Cree receive a life threatening wound in the back. He immediately fell helpless to the ground.

A Bold Escape[edit]

While the rest of the party rushed to Panamon's aid, the presumed dead researcher rifled through Panamon's clothes and retrieved the recently purloined Meme of Aspan. Flying, he made for the exit, straight up and out of the lair. On the way he encountered Greef Roake and Matteo Alleman, who put up a great fight to prevent him from flying away. Alas, even the final shield bash from Matteo was not enough to knock the crazed researcher out of the air, and up he flew to safety (?).

The rest of the party caught up in time to assist a dying Panamon, an unconscious Didara and put an end the horrible homunculus, presumably following in the direction of his master. No sooner had the homunculus been dispatched than Greef heard a THUMP in the main research lab. The THUMP had apparently been made by the fallen researcher, now full of arrows. His getaway was not successful.

Greef Roake looted the body to discover sparse treasures, however the Meme of Aspan, the key and some sort of death wand, previously used against Matteo Alleman (and Panamon Cree) was among his possessions. He immediately gave the death wand to Matteo Alleman, who tested it and put it in his pack.

The Heroes of Jalinbeti[edit]

Upon leaving the Chantry of Jormungandr, the party found it surrounded by Aydahar military and local militia. They greeted the party warmly and praised their heroics for having stopped the great dragon (and the only slightly lesser dracolich). They announced that they had received word from Hedgewind Jalinbeti from their afternoon meals that they would be visited by northern champions who would save the day.

It appeared, meanwhile, that the Chantry of Jormungandr had grown weary of its resting place in the center of town and had decided to take a bite out of the Kara Citadel while the heroes battled within. The grateful Aydahar, themselves weary from a long battle with the undead, spared no expense in treating the heroes to a banquet, a gift of rare gems, and what sundries that they requested (including a haul of documents from the Chantry).

Greef Roake imbibed many of the faddish new beverage served in the area dubbed เจนแนนโทนิกซ์ which without translation sounds suspiciously like 'gin and tonics'.

DM Note: You will not be disappointed if you put เจนแนนโทนิกซ์ into Google Translate.

Research Notes[edit]

A strangely marked map from the Chantry researcher.

Obsidian Black in the role of Chief Party Researcher, discovered that the map found in the loot indicated which 'powers' were leading the research regarding the Memes of Aspan. Among other things it was learned that the magic circles found so far were of the wizardly persuasion and it might be possible to interface with the Memes via more sorcerous or warlockish circles. Some evidence was discovered with the ancient nature of the gum-gum tree and its use as a powerful spell reagent.

Divine Wishes[edit]

While the party pursued their desires, Matteo acquiring a Battle lizard, Greef upgrading his armour and Obsidian reading up on their latest haul of documents, Panamon Cree embarked on the VERY DANGEROUS path of consulting with his patron spirit Æski regarding the "Four Capitols" map. The result of this commune; Æski gave Panamon some very specific answers as to what she would have him do. For the time being, somehow... Panamon is still alive. Whew!

Somewhere Down the Crazy River[edit]

The party decided to head south to the country of Garis. The various elders of the city and Aydahar military offered their help to get the party safely through the Aydahar countryside. Another zombie encounter occurred with the party noticing that while there were undead, they were no seemed to be shambling toward Kara. The party loaded into a large river skiff, battle lizards, riding lizards and gear, followed by two similar skiffs full of Aydahar military.