Ninth Lotus of Aspan

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Ninth Lotus of Aspan
A Portrait of the Ninth Lotus of Aspan
Titles Ninth Lotus of Aspan
Race Ontustiktar
Nationality Ontustik
Archetype Healer
Religion Aspanism
Home Anar, Altin Aydahar Region, Ontustik
Birthdate/Place 27th of Akpan, 235 IM
5e Equivalence (20)
5e Alignment Lawful Good

Hand-chosen by the creator Aspan the Ninth Lotus of Aspan gave up her remaining tie to the material world, her given name to become the Ninth Lotus and leader of the Caliphate of Ontustik. The Ninth Lotus is responsible for the entire nation in both the political and religious spheres. She is also the custodian of several of the Memes of Aspan



The Ninth Lotus of Aspan has had occasion to come into conflict with those who rule the Nether World.


After the fall of Ontustik to the armies of the Garis Triumvirate, the Ninth Lotus of Aspan and her retinue have fled to Jalinbeti to seek refuge and set up a government-in-exile from the Jalinjeri capital.

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