
From OtanWiki
A Qurilissi
Race Qurilissi
Subraces Air, Water, Earth, Fire
Vision Darkvision
Diet Omnivorous
Lifespan Unknown
Location Any
Language Old Otani language, Otani language (common)
Climate Any
Terrain Any
Height 6' to 6'6
Weight 200-270 lbs.
Skin Color Varies
Hair Color Varies
Eye Color Varies
Build Tall and muscular
Distinctions May possess a radiant glow within their skin/eyes/hair
5e Equivalence Genasi
5e Alignment Any

The Qurilissi, better known to some as the "builders" appear in the lore of most of the religions of Otan. Their role was to help create the world by fashioning the mountains and lakes, forests and ice and almost everything that there is on Otan to this very day. While their existence is considered historical or even fictional by most, exactly four builders are know to currently exist on Otan; one of each variety.

Racial Variants

There are four racial variants of the Qurilissi, corresponding to the four elements. While it is believed that there were once thousands of each variety of Qurilissi, only one of each variety has been confirmed to exist today.

Air Qurilissi

An Air Qurilissi

Earth Qurilissi

An Earth Qurilissi

Fire Qurilissi

A Fire Qurilissi

Water Qurilissi

A Water Qurilissi