Thirty-fourth Session

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Thirty-fourth Session
Bloncamann appears to his faithful ranger.
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date October 12th, 2021
Start Date Morning, Tamiz 22nd, 261 IM
Start Location Jalinbeti, Jalinbeti Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Ending Date Afternoon, Tamiz 26th, 261 IM
Ending Location A complex outside of Trappist, Garis Triumvirate
Prev Session Thirty-third Session
Next Session Thirty-fifth Session

The Thirty-fourth Session began with the party each investigating different aspects of the campaign. Athin Alionel went to the forest in the hopes of contacting his patron god, Bloncamann. Mira Nephilim chose to meet up with her elemental brother Spire to see what could be done about their missing siblings. Obsidian Black visited hedgewind Jalinbeti to discuss his research and Panamon Cree contemplated what to do with his newfound position of authority.

Athin and Bloncamann

Despite some trepidation that contacting a patron can go badly for everyone involved, Athin went into the forest to make an augur with his patron Bloncamann. He hunted and slaughtered a forest beast and prepared it for sacrifice alongside some very fine wine, provided by Panamon Cree.

Athin Alionel found himself having drifted into a dream, awaking to witness a beautiful centaur stag taking of the wine and the sacrificial beast. Athin described the nature of his prey, a 'builder' who builds with fire. The centaur thanked Athin for the meal with a nod and departed.

When Athin awoke a second time at the same fire, but a seemingly different reality, much of the wine had been consumed and part of the beast eaten. There were no tracks or evidence of a visitor. After some reflection, he concluded that he did indeed have a sense of his prey. Far to the east, he knew he would find his builder.

Mira and Spire

Obsidian and Hedgewind

Panamon and Power

Aspanjalisi or Bust!

It's A Trappist!

In the Air Tonight

Player's Notes