Fourth Tertiary Session

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Fourth Tertiary Session
Lirris Liadon stalks his prey in an ice tunnel.
Campaign The Tertiary Campaign
Start Date Morning, Mawsim 24th, 261 IM
Start Location A long abandoned Temple of Woden Soltustik
Ending Date Evening, Mawsim 24th, 261 IM
Ending Location In the lower level of an ice castle, Soltustik
Next Session Fifth Tertiary Session

The morning arrived at Ebil Yalies Ninon Salvo Raqim Anuar Lirris Liadon Ornel Harlhome Arisa Petrine Mambet Mambet

Hedgewind Jalinbeti

Gulaisha Abzal

The Trouble with Trolls

Ninon Salvo plucks up some rare courage to stab at an icy troll.

What will happen next???

Player's Notes

If there are any errors or omissions in my telling of the story, please let me know here and I'll make the corrections.