Fifth Tertiary Session
Campaign | The Tertiary Campaign |
Game Date | Friday, June 16th, 2021 |
Start Date | Evening, Mawsim 24th, 261 IM |
Start Location | In the lower level of an ice castle, Soltustik |
Ending Date | Afternoon, Mawsim 26th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | In the lower level of an ice castle, Soltustik |
Prev Session | Fourth Tertiary Session |
Next Session | Sixth Tertiary Session |
A weary party crowded itself into the small entrance chamber, huddled with all of their animals. In an attempt to take a recover from exhaustion, they all laid down to sleep with Ornel Harlhome keeping the first watch. The party was barely two hours into their slumber when Ornel woke them. In the neighboring room, the party could hear what sounded like dogs barking; that is, if dogs could have a conversation.
Double Dog Dare[edit]
The party listened for a moment and quickly gathered a sense of urgency as the began to understand that the dogs were Garis and they were inspecting the party's handiwork on the now destroyed trolls. With Lirris Liadon in the lead, the party charged into the next room and took the two Garis by surprise.
The Garis, apparently wizards, were up to the task however and stood their ground with the party, despite being outnumbered. The party dutifully rounded on them in unison delivering damage all around, but as things moved on Lirris Liadon disappeared. Things got worse for the party as Ebil Yalies fell to a blow.
With quick thinking, Ninon Salvo rushed to heal the healer about the time one of the lupine wizards succumbed to his wounds and fell. The party, with a freshly revived cleric all fell upon the second wizard, who did not last long in the one sided fight remaining. A healing kit was applied to the first wizard and Ebil healed up the rest of the party.
In the Dog-house[edit]
Once revived, the first dog to fall was bound and put to the question by Ebil Yalies who held back not an ounce of his/her rage. The Garis was tortured and and questioned about the complex, giving up information about what was in the neighboring rooms and some information about how the security worked (what apparently he knew). Dissatisfied with the 'tone' of the answers, the tenacious Ebil Yalies severed one of the wizard's fingers.

As Ebil questioned, Lirris Liadon came to realize that he was not on Otan any more. Without the thorough training in cosmology afforded many Ælfes, he had a fairly good guess that he was on the elemental plane of fire. Fortunately for the party, though perhaps at the expense of others, the spell was not complete. Lirris never fully materialized on the fire plane and slowly his material form began to reform in the same room from which he was banished.
The Wizards Next Door[edit]
A humming was heard beyond the door. The party carefully opened a door revealing a very large room, centered by a wide crevice. Heeding the words of their tortured captive, they stealthily crept past the crevice the next door in the large room. Inside that room, there were two human wizards within wizard circles.
The circles were themselves encircled in columns of magical light. They asked Ebil Yalies, the only one to enter the door if it was time for their feeding; Ebil having shape-changed into the form of the Garis wizard. Ebil instructed the captive wizards that he would return.
Time for Some Serious Rest[edit]
The party, concerned that they were over their heads and out of spells retreated in the middle of the night back to the abandoned Temple of Woden. Once rested, they messaged their contact Sholpan Zamziya to tell him that they had located where Mambet Mambet was being kept. Sholpan replied that they should contact him only once they have seen the old wizard.
Meanwhile Ebil Yalies spent some time with the captive wizard to better understand his mannerisms and personality, so that he could be accurately mimicked when they returned to the sorceress' lair. Ebil determined that the two amulets taken from the captive and his late partner were keys of some sort, granting access to certain doors. The description of 'which' doors was difficult as it seemed that the complex's layout was very complex.
Once Ebil's studies were complete, Ornel Harlhome offered to the wizaard him back to town for further questioning by authorities. Ornel suggested that with his own fate in question, he might not return. He rode off.
Feeling overwhelmed by the previous encounters, the party timidly returned to the fortress. Once inside, they returned to the large crevassed room, stole past the crevice and opened another door to reveal three more captive wizards. Ebil Yalies' disguise had fooled them at first, but when he tried to march the rest of the party past the trio, they left their circles to investigate.
The wizards were not 'bound' by their circles while the circles were not surrounded by the humming forcefields. However, the wizards were all wearing strange collars for which no one knew much about. Fearing something might be very bad about these collars Ebil and the party instructed the wizards to just stay in their circles until a safe way to extract them could be determined.
The party moved to the next door...
Player's Notes[edit]
If there are any errors or omissions in my telling of the story, please let me know here and I'll make the corrections.
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