Asylkhan Kuandyk

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Asylkhan Kuandyk
Asylkhan Kuandyk, Secretary General of Garis
Titles Secretary General
Race Garis
Nationality Garis Triumvirate
Archetype Fighter
Religion Wodenism (Fenris)
Home Trappist, Garis
Birthdate/Place Sawir 24th 207 IM, Musica, Akimsilik Region
Factions Sanctum of Fenris
5e Equivalence Paladin(20)
5e Alignment Neutral Good

Asylkhan Kuandyk is the Inspector General and one of the three leaders of the Garis Triumvirate. Her role is in the country's Administrati, where she manages the finances, research and other duties of the nation to keep it competitive with the rest of Otan.