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Symbol of Woden
Type Polytheistic
Races Human, Elf
Organized Yes
Founded 1 IM
Books Book of Woden
Deities Woden, Thor, Frigg, Tiw

Wodenism is the dominant religion in Otan, with its principal deity being known if not worshipped to some degree by most humans. Wodenism has also found its way into elven culture and figures prominently in their daily lives.

The Tenets of Wodenism

The four pillars of Wodenism are wisdom, strength, love and sacrifice, represented by Woden, Thor, Frigg, Tiw respectively. The Wodenist pantheon has a complete spectrum of gods, however these four remain the personifications of the core values of the faith.

The Book of Woden

Apparently written by Woden himself or someone purporting to be speaking in the voice of Woden, the book outlines the various tenets of Wodenism. It goes on to describe the various gods of the pantheon in stories and verse.

The Will to Power

In the Book of Woden, the three wills are described; the Will to Power, the Will to Sensation and the Will to Transcendence. Woden points out that the Will to Power is the greatest of these and is the defining aspect of human(oid) existence. Woden's inclusiveness of other species has made Woden popular among other humanoids, particularly Elves.

The Wodenist Pantheon

As in most religions, the Wodenist religion overflows with examples of all four elements of the divine: the creator, the messenger, the intercessor and the destroyer. Apart from the rarity of having a very relatable creator, who also fulfills a role as intercessor, the religion is overflowing with messengers and destroyers; enough destroyers to keep the gods very busy.

The Creator

As creators go, Woden is an unusual one. He created Otan by killing and hollowing out the body of a giant. After this amazing feat he spent the remainder of his days seeking wisdom, fathering humans and routinely interacting with them on a very personal level. Particularly in the northern Soltustik tribes, it is not unusual for individuals to claim their lineage from Woden himself. Of his many names, the All-Father is perhaps the one most suited to him.

The role of the creator is filled solely by:

  • Woden: God of Wisdom, the All-Father

The Intercessors

The gods of the Wodenist religion have interactions with humans regularly... if the humans themselves are exceptional. The gods will sit at table and eat and drink with humans who excel in some aspect of physical prowess or cognitive genius. They will intercede while engaged in this intimate dialogue to protect their human guests from, for example, a mischievous giant. It would be very rare, however, for them to take direct action in a human affair, such as intervening in a battle. In the latter case the gods will rather send a messenger, a Valkyrie, to tell the slain human how he did.

The role of the intercessor is fulfulled by the following gods and goddesses:

  • Thor: God of Strength and Thunder
  • Frigg: Goddess of Love, the Hearth and Home
  • Tiw: God of Sacrifice and War
  • Baeldaeg: God of Bravery and Light
  • Eostre: Goddess of Fertility

The Messengers

  • The Norns: The Rulers of Destiny
  • The Valkyries: The Choosers of the Slain

The Destroyer

All things must end, and for Wodenists this time is Ragnarok. Otan will one day be consumed in flames and the malevolent creatures who bring about this destruction are none other than the offspring of Loki.

The role of the destroyer is fulfilled by:

The Wodenist Clergy

There are two principal types of Wodenist clergy. The itinerant and the stationary. The stationary tend to practice their faith and devotions at the a chapter of the Temple of Woden. The itinerant tend to serve in the military or with bands of adventurers seeking fame and fortune while spreading the will of Woden to the world.

The Temple of Woden

The Temple of Woden is a loosely organized bureaucracy that is dedicated to building edifices throughout Otan to support the worship of Woden and other gods in the Wodenist pantheon. A temple can be found in nearly every major city in northern Otan.