From OtanWiki
Geographical Glossary
Country | Inhabitants |
Ælfwode | Wood Ælfes (wood elf) |
Araldar Protectorate | Humans (pirate) |
Aydahar Confederation | Aydahar (dragonborn), dragons |
Caliphate of Ontustik | Humans (middle eastern) |
Council of Ælfgarad | High Ælfes (high elf) |
Free States | Half-Humans, others |
Jalinjeri | Mixed races, dragons |
Kingdom of Kiskentay | Sweardælfes (gnomes) |
Kingdom of Soltustik | Humans (northerners) |
Kuuliki Trade Company | Kuulik (goblin) |
League of Dweorgen Miners | Dweorges (dwarf) |
Maercland | Grendel (orc) |
Matriarchy of Karazalik | Humans (African) |
Republic of Batis | Humans (north American aboriginal) |
Shuwalu Brotherhood | Hellspawn (tiefling) |
Sigis Empire | Humans (oriental) |
Garis Triumvirate | Garis Triumvirate (gith) |
Tsardom of Ortalyk | Humans (slavic) |
Ungirsi Federation | Ungir (kobold) |
Racial Glossary
This handy guide was create to help translate Otani-speak into D&D-speak. Enjoy.
- Ælf - Pronounced "alf". Otani for Elf, Ælfes live in Ælfwode (to the north) and Ælfgarad (northwest).
- Ælfen - Possessive for Ælf.
- Ælfes - Plural for Ælf.
- Aydahar - Pronounced "aid-uh-har". Otani for Dragonborn.
- Aydahar - Plural for Aydahar.
- Aydahari - Possessive for Aydahar.
- Dragonborn - Obsolete word meaning Aydahar.
- Dweorg - Pronounced "dworg". Otani for Dwarf.
- Dweorgen - Posessive for Dweorg.
- Dweorges - Plural for Dweorg.
- Dwarf - Obsolete word meaning Dweorg.
- Elf - Obsolete word meaning Ælf.
- Garis - Pronounced "gare-iss". Otani for Gith. Garis is plural for Garis. The Garis live in the Garis Triumvirate in Otan's southeast.
- Garisi - Posessive for Garis.
- Gith - Obsolete word meaning Garis.
- Goblin - Obsolete word meaning Kuulik.
- Gnome - Obsolete word meaning Sweardælf.
- Grendel - Orc in D&D-speak. Plural for Grendel. Grendel live north of the Ungir in Maercland.
- Maercland - Northern home of the Grendel.
- Hellspawn - Otani for Tiefling. Hellspawn live in the very northern country of the Brotherhood of Shuwalu.
- Kobold - Obsolete word meaning Ungir.
- Kuulik - Pronounced "Koo-oo-lik". Otani for Goblin. Plural for Kuulik. Their home is the Kuulik Trade Company.
- Kuuliki - Posessive for Kuulik.
- Orc - Obsolete word replaced by Grendel.
- Sweardælf - Pronounced "swear-dalf". Otani for Gnome. They reside in the southwest nation of the Kingdome of Kiskentay.
- Tiefling - Obsolete word replaced by Hellspawn.
- Ungir - Pronounced "oon-gear". Otani for Kobold. The Ungirsi Federation is on the northern border of Ortalyk.