Council of Nine

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Council of Nine
Congress of the Council of Nine
Country Ortalyk
Region Eastern Ortalyk Mountains
Leader Shardenzar Sardarbek
Location Towers of Eriquat

The Council of Nine is an organization of powerful spellcasters. The Council was struck to bring about the end of the Grendel War and unite the adversaries Nickar Nurzat and Zoranthar Zhanat to bring about the end of a global conflict. There is little other information about the group is not pure speculation, however, most leaders and administrators who have had contact with the Council contend that the Council of Nine has a appointed itself to maintain control and stability of the entire world of Otan.

The Council certainly possess a powerful influence in Ortalyk, where their apparent principal headquarters reside, the Towers of Eriquat. The construction of the towers were sanctioned and largely paid for the Ortalyk Tzar, Batil Zhurek, who is considered by many to be the founder of the Council, although he is not a member.


As the name suggests, there are nine principal members of the council, however six of them have been shrouded in secret. The three incredibly powerful spellcasters who's exploits are known throughout the world. The three known principals are:

Recent citations have indicated that a new non-human, possibly non-Otani member exists:

  • Lw'gn'kho - an insectoid creature who dresses like a spellcaster.


Before the creation of the council, several wars had raged in Otan, most notably the Grendel War, with Nickar Nurzat and Zoranthar Zhanat on opposite sides of the conflict. Regardless of the intent of either side, the constant state of war threatened to bring extinction to all of Otan. It was Shardenzar Sardarbek who intervened to bring about the Concord of Kala Astanals, in which Nickar, Zoranthar and leaders of the warring countries of Otan agreed to cease all major conflict.


The Council of Nine in session.