Gulshara Rysbek

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Gulshara Rysbek
Portrait of Mayor Gulshara Rysbek
Titles Finance Minister of Halperion Prefecture
Race Ortalykshilar (Human)
Nationality Jalinjeri
Archetype Mage
Religion Wodenism
Home Halperion, Halperion Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Birthdate/Place 12th of Kantar, 241 IM Balagash, Karagay Province, Ortalyk
Owner of Heiress to The Stuffed Kobold
Factions Halperion Prefecture cabinet
Halperion City Council
Parents Erbol Rysbek - father
5e Equivalence Wizard

Gulshara Rysbek was lately appointed to the position of Finance Minister of Halperion Prefecture by the Earth Minister of Halperion Prefecture, Rayjok Halperion. Rayjok had previously granted her the position of Mayor of Halperion, but due to her excellent command of the use of capital, he decided to keep her at his right hand.


Gulshara Rysbek is the heiress to and former kitchen manager of the The Stuffed Kobold. She is the eldest daughter of the proprietor,Erbol Rysbek, who has owned and operated the tavern/inn for over a decade. When the former Lords of Koboldy Rock came to the decision to hire a Grand Vizier of the former Koboldy Rock (now Halperion Keep), they chose Gulshara, who was recommended to them by her father.

Gulshara worked diligently ever since, having remodeled the keep's basement, added a stable, pens and even hired smithies for the livestock and horses. From those successes, she went on to become Mayor of the shantytown that formed outside of the keep, to Finance Minister of the lands surrounding the keep, which is now the citadel of a growing city.


To ensure that Halperion Prefecture has the financial means to grow and survive the coming war.

Player Notes