Fourth Collateral Session
Campaign | The Collateral Campaign |
Game Date | Sunday, June 13th, 2021 |
Start Date | Mawsim 14th, 261 IM |
Start Location | Koboldy Rock, Karagay Province, Ortalyk |
Ending Date | Mawsim 16th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | Koboldy Rock, Karagay Province, Ortalyk |
Absentees | Everybody except Rayjok Halperion |
Next Session | Fifth Collateral Session |
The session began slowly, but determinedly when Rayjok Halperion decided that the best course of action would be to consult with Hedgewind Jalinbeti concerning the recovered Meme of Aspan, On Governing Grendel. Before making way for the town of Jalinbeti, Spire displayed an aptitude for reading and understanding the Old Otani language. He read the contents of the meme to Rayjok Halperion, explaining that it was very dry material related to the governance of the Grendel people.
Meanwhile, Caladan Ironforge lived up to his name and began the task of transforming his once undead-owned enchanted plate-mail into a (very tall) Dweorgen-sized work of art and martial defense. Bubbles Littlefoot, took the time to study a few of the magical documents discovered with the meme and daydreamed about sorcerous ways to create the same kind of magic. Natascha Khame was glad to see the box go, as it gave her a sense of deja vu that tied back to an earlier trauma; it seemed that she found herself re-living the trauma moment by moment as the meme became close. Ghagon the Loyal went to work training his new skills with the Koboldy Rock irregulars.
DM Note: These PC activities are those imagined by the DM and not necessarily canon.
Back in Jalinbeti
Rayjok Halperion brought Spire along on his trip to Jalinbeti. He quickly took a room at The Inn with No Name and freshened up to prepare for a meeting with Hedgewind. Guards nearly prevented the meeting, but Rayjok brought out some rare animus and convinced that guard to take a message to Hedgewind, who soon appeared at the door to usher Rayjok and Spire into his office.
Rayjok wasted no time and had Spire read off the excerpts from contents of his treasure. A wide-eyed Hedgewind listened carefully. He then asked for the story about how Rayjok Halperion had come into possession of such a novel treasure. Rayjok related the story from the previous adventure, mentioning that the necromancer Ainash Alua was behind the evildoing. Hedgewind asked Rayjock if he thought that this necromancer was powerful enough to capture a Grendel war band... the very same he was sacrificing to his magic circle.
A New Mission
Once that Rayjok Halperion had realized that the necromancer was undoubtedly too weak to take down a Grendel war band, Hedgewind Jalinbeti, who seemed to know the necromancer, suggested that he might be travelling with and allied to a cultish group headed by Marzhan Zhanerke. He suggested that they look for her in any nearby facilities; empty barns, farmhouses, etc. He also suggested that if Ainash Alua's body was not completely destroyed, then it was likely that the necromancer was still alive and very possibly out there killing more Grendel.
While Rayjok considered this mission, he asked Hedgewind if he'd be interested in acquiring his new treasure. Hedgewind said that he certainly would and asked how much for the treasure and all the accompanying notes. Rayjok asked for undisclosed gold. A surprised Hedgewind countered with an offer that was double Rayjok's undisclosed amount. A deal was struck.
A Growth Mindset
Leaving the office, Rayjok had a look around the growing town of Jalinbeti. No less than 10 stone giants hammered away on large slabs of stone in the construction of Jalinbeti's citadel. In other parts of the growing town, different races were participating in various sections of the new construction areas. Ælfs, Dweorgs, humans, Grendel and even Hellspawn were busy constructing homes and facilities for themselves.
Rayjok Halperion got the idea to recruit a few Grendel from the town to help him go after this necromancer and his enabler friends. Another night in the town yielded him four Grendel recruits who followed him back to Koboldy Rock
Player Notes
If I got anything mixed up here, let me know.
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