Chantry of Jormungandr

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Chantry of Jormungandr
An Interior View of a Chantry of Jormungandr
Country Aydahar Confederation, Ungirsi Federation
Leader Some very high level cleric
Racial Mix 90% Aydahar, 10% Ungir

The Chantry of Jormungandr is an organization steeped in Wodenism, however, its adherents favour the exploits and significance of Jormungandr, the World Snake. A fable from the Book of Woden tells of Jormungandr's discovery and salvation when as an infant, Jormungandr was given the sea as his home. The legends continue that Jormungandr has since grown to encircle the globe and now bites its own tail, making it truly endless.

Unlike the Temple of Woden, the Chantry of Jormungandr is not a bookish sect and rarely, preach directly from the Book of Woden. Their simple prayers to Jormungandr are rarely more complex than "Give me strength." They regularly train clerics, druids and other Wodenist clergy to assist in the everyday lives of the Aydahar and Ungir citizens they serve.

The principal clerics of the Chantry of Jormungandr are diligent to ensure that every city and town in the Aydahar Confederation has a temple where devotees can pay their respects to the God in the Infinite.


Possibly upward of a million Adahar and Ungir may commend their meals, good fortunes or battles to Jormungandr, the organization itself is limited to possibly 10,000 clerics and druids. The clergy is uniform in its philosophy worldwide, there are some variances in observances in the Ungirsi Federation.


The Chantry of Jormungandr has existed since 1 IM and undoubtedly since well into prehistory. While they were mostly confined to Aydahar Confederation in the first year, their popularity has spread to the Ungirsi Federation.

Current Activities

The clergy of the Chantry of Jormungandr have taken a recent interest in researching the relationship between ancient writings that may have been written by various gods, even those gods not in the Wodenist pantheon. These fragments of knowledge are said to have powers that exceed current clerical and druidical powers known on Otan today.

Player Notes