Twenty-seventh Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 |
Start Date | Morning, Silde 2nd, 261 IM |
Start Location | The Commodore, Jagalik, Araldar |
Ending Date | Morning, Tamiz 8th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | The Commodore, Jagalik, Araldar |
Absentees | Benevolent one (Bubbles) and Sophie (Sarani) |
Prev Session | Twenty-sixth Session |
Next Session | Twenty-eighth Session |
The Twenty-seventh Session began with a debate about what sort of ship to purchase with the coin offered by Hedgewind Jalinbeti...
DM Note: This was a short session. Thanks to the outside world intruding on real life, the session was nearly cancelled. Fortunately, I was able to run a short session to get the business of ship-shopping out of the way.
Ship Shopping[edit]
Armed with an unusual coin received from Hedgewind Jalinbeti the party proceeded to the Jagalik Shipyard to see what the coin might purchase there. The Chief Shipwright, Tolegen Jumabay seemed very impressed with the coin and proposed a build of about 100 feet with a 25 foot draft. After much discussion on what weaponry the party could mount on such a ship, decided they would be better served by something narrower and longer, in order to accommodate more weapons.
The resulting design was a three-masted clipper of 120 feet in length and a narrow 20 foot beam. With mounts for six weapons they chose to arm her with three mangonels and three ballistas. The party talked to the designer to add a few other features, including an improved galley, a cartographer's room, bilge pumps, a sick bay, a proper brig and lastly, a very special secret compartment for the party's more precious treasures... the latter improvement not covered by Hedgewind's coin.
Tolegen Jumabay calculated what was needed for the build and though it was not to a standard specification, promised to have the ship built in six weeks time.
The party paid Tolegen with the coin and registered the the commission with the Jagalik Admiralty office as a Privateer for the Araldar navy.
Skill Up, Beeaches![edit]
The party decided it would not suffer to take a little down time to reflect and improve some valuable and much needed skills. Athin Alionel, excited to advance his mastery of weapons endeavored to train himself on the mangonel. Mira Nephilim and Obsidian Black decided to exchange language lessons, the former learning the Aydahar language and the latter, Old Otani. The two would have much to read, namely the two Memes of Aspan still in Obsidian's possession.
Panamon Cree, with a septet of cult members of Æski already in his thrall, understood that the ship would need a crew with at least 30 hands. He decided to spend the down time, recruiting the most capable crew possible, preferably devotees of Æski. Sarani Devalinth took up the practical art of learning to use cartography tools while Bubbles Littlefoot chose to add to her collection of naval skills by taking up navigation with the assistance of her new little tool, the Sunstone.
Player Notes[edit]
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