Twentieth Session
Campaign | The Primordial Campaign |
Game Date | Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 |
Start Date | Evening, Mawsim 16th, 261 IM |
Start Location | The Grand Kizil Hotel, Kizil, Altinqor |
Ending Date | Evening, Mawsim 16th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | Underground lair near Kizil, Altinqor |
Absentees | Sophia aka Sarani Devalinth |
Prev Session | Nineteenth Session |
Next Session | Twenty-first Session |
The session started in the town of Kizil. The party was feeling motivated to hurry out of the Kizil Aydahar Region for fear of possible reprisals from the Eldest Disciple of the local Chantry of Jormungandr, Turar Sarsen, and possibly annihilation from an adult red dragon. They opted to get mounted early and head for Koke, capital of the Koke Aydahar Region (blue dragon region), where they hoped to meet up with Ongar Sarsen to discuss the strategy for the next Meme of Aspan.
Panamon Cree cast a scrying spell to observe Saduakas Yermek and the other Æski cultists in the town of Kiskentay discussing their next move, which also seemed centered on the idea of avoiding the Kizil Aydahar Region, also for fear of being grilled alive by a red dragon.
Blue River[edit]
The party took to their boats. With the help of the riding beasts towing and Mira Nephilim's water shaping, they made good time up river toward Koke. As they made their way up river, Dutch Dauren detected that they were being followed from some distance back, by what appeared to be red Aydahar military. A little spell-casting deception later and the military boat seemed to give up the pursuit.
The party docked at the Not Very Obvious docking area that conjoined with the road to Koke, pulling their riverboat onshore and camouflaging it from view. They rode south into Koke, this time crossing paths with the blue Aydahar military. Trying hard not to evoke any undue attention, the party kept their eyes low and reverential.
It was around this time that a little bird landed on Mama Tess' arm started to tweet up a storm. Mama Tess spoke with the bird which mimicked Saduakas Yermek with a message for Panamon. Saduakas indicated that he would be going around the Kizil Aydahar Region and would meet up with the party in the capitol of Kiskentay, with Koke being too many days away for them. Mama Tess communicated with a flying beetle and bid that it take a message back to Saduakas on the party's intentions to head to Koke.
The Blue City[edit]
The walled city of Koke was surrounded by a shanty town made up of thousands of inhabitants. Riding past the party was soon at the wall gates, where they were assessed 100gp tax bill for their many crates of wizardly looking papers. Once inside the gates, Koke appeared to be a more vibrant city than Kizil by every measure. Structures were taller, with better construction and evidently a lot more maintenance. The party settled on an inn constructed from what was clearly once the skeleton of an ancient blue dragon.
Upon arriving at the inn, dubbed The Elder, the staff was eager to assist and check in the party. Lizard wranglers, took the beasts, while porters moved the crates of gear upstairs. The party was quick to inquire about Ongar Sarsen, and the staff responded that he was staying at the hotel, but that he had not been around in the past day. They assured that they would notify the party when he arrived and ushered them into the tavern for some local cuisine.
The only advice the concierge had for the party vis exploring the city was to note that the wide streets were made this way to accommodate blue dragons who sometimes walk them. "When confronted by a blue dragon," he said. "Give them room."
Blue Mama[edit]
Getting the name of an armorer from the inn's concierge, one Sapar Doszhan. The party headed into the forge district to see if they could commission some work from Sapar to build a set of armour from the aquatic creature shells they had collected from the dragon's lair near Kizil. The armorer, a very busy fellow, took a keen interest in the husks and proceeded to try and cut the material. When his standard tools failed, he pulled out a special set of tools.
With these tools he was able to sever one of the creature's fingers. He grew more intrigued as he inspected the material from the creature's shell. Eventually, he agreed that he could create armor from the husk, but that it would take two of the husks to make a full set of armor for Mama Tess. Panamon Cree produced another husk from his bag of holding while Sapar's apprentice took Mama Tess' measurements.
As the armorer started talking about his fee, which started to sound hefty, Panamon halted him in his usual frugal style. Obsidian suggested to offer him one of the corpses. It was done and after some thought, Sapar Doszhan agreed to do the work for not one, but two corpses. A pair of magic tricks later and the deal was complete. Sapar promised the armor to be ready five days hence.
Men in Blue[edit]
When looking for a powerful object, the party has had a habit of looking to the people in power. This has proved a successful strategy in the past, roughly 100% of the time. They began at the Koke Chantry of Jurmungandr, where they witnessed a new and impressive splendor in temple design. Sarani Devalinth wasted no time in making fast friends with the Eldest Disciple of the chantry, Lyazzat Zhunis, who engaged with her in the common Otani language on various ecumenical topics.
Unlike previous investigations, however, Sarani was unable to detect anything out of the ordinary in the chantry or the manner of her new friend. With no spells, Panamon was unable to detect magic, however Dutch Dauren, who perceives everything, did not pick up on the slightest notion of suspicious behavior. Obsidian Black did pick up a sense of deja vu from the chantry's art.
The party moved on to the city's citadel which featured men on lizardback riding in and out of the gated citadel. The comings and goings appeared to the party to be quite normal in the operation of a seat of government and military facility. As the day wore on, they decided to go back to the inn to re-think their efforts.
At the inn they asked after Ongar Sarsen, who had not made his presence known to the staff. Curious, the party went up to Ongar's room and knocked on his door. To their surprise, he answered and said that he was in no mood for chatter and agreed to meet them the following day for breakfast. To their further surprise, they noted that Ongar was not human like the other cultists, but rather a full red Aydahar.
The next morning, as the party waited for Ongar's arrival, Dutch Dauren's amazing perception caught Ongar dashing past the tavern and into the street. When the party gave chase, he disappeared completely. The party called for their mounts while Panamon Cree cast a scrying spell in an attempt to find Ongar's location.
Blue Screen of Death[edit]
Between Panamon's scrying and Dutch's tracking the party was soon on Ongar's trail. They tracked him to what was essentially a hole in the ground. The hole in the ground turned into a cave, which led downward, around a couple of bends and then opened into a large lit cavern. The cavern was filled with young blue dragons.
The cavern appeared to be covered in some kind of metallic fencing on all sides including the entrance where there was a makeshift gate. Obsidian Black would eventually deduce that this fencing was an energy collection system for the blue dragons' electrical breath. The party reaped the benefits of this system immediately as the dragons attacked, their breath dissipating harmlessly into the fencing instead of roasting the party to a crisp.
As the party poured their various spells and arrows into the approaching dragons, the dragons began to claw away the metal barrier. Obsidian Black's Synaptic Static spell wreaked havoc on the draconic assault. The fence was clearly not designed to keep the dragons captive as it was soon shredded by the young blue dragon's claws. Alas the dragon who made the opening had little time to take advantage of it, falling to the various blows of the party, a Toothy conjured shark of Mira Nephilim's creation, and an epic acid blast from the sorcerer Obsidian.
Dutch Dauren made quick use of the opening and bounded through the gaping tear in the fence. In a gravity defying flip, he spun himself through the air and onto a rocky perch while simultaneously loosing two perfectly aimed arrows. His cruel arrows tore mercilessly into the great dragon's flesh. Mira had in the meanwhile, called up TikTok a crocodile to avenge her quickly dispatched Toothy. The dragon had its own plans, however, and loosed its electrical breath into the cavern scorching Mira and Sarani, the latter falling unconscious.
Sarani Devalinth had fallen and was considering what to do with her afterlife when she was abruptly yanked back into the here and now by Mama Tess's care bear spell ambled through the party to heal the wounded. With new electrical scars to show off at parties, she bounded back to action. The last remaining dragon was eventually felled by TikTok the crocodile, who shortly after returned to crocodile heaven (or wherever summoned crocodiles come from).
The party quickly looted the cave, finding a pair of winged boots that were given to Obsidian Black. One shudders to think of what happened to the previous owner of these boots, though it doesn't take much imagination considering their most recent owners. With the gold from the fledgling hoard divided among them, the party shifted its attention to the double doors to the east of the cavern...
Player's Notes[edit]
Please make any errors or omissions known to me here!
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