Kadir Meyram

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Kadir Meyram
Portrait of Boyar Kadir Meyram
Titles Provincial Boyar of Karagay Province
Race Human
Nationality Ortalyk
Archetype Holy Man, Politician
Religion Wodenism
Home Karagay, Ortalyk
Birthdate/Place 178 IM Kala Astanals
Factions Temple of Woden
5e Equivalence Cleric (15)
5e Alignment Neutral Good

Kadir Meyram is the provincial Boyar of the Karagay Province and clerical member of the Temple of Woden. He maintains many friendships in and around the Zhurek Dynasty including the Tsar himself. It is not unusual for Kadir to make trips to the capitol out of respect or friendship in equal measures.

Future Ambitions[edit]

Keeping things in Karagay Province the same as much as possible.

Player Notes[edit]