Garis Border Patrol

From OtanWiki
Garis Border Patrol
A Garis Border Patrol Captain
Country Garis Triumvirate
Region All
Leader Zhannur Timurlan
Headquarters Trappist, Akimsilik Region, Garis
Membership 20,000+
Associations Garis military
Racial Mix Garis - 100%

The Garis Border Patrol is tasked with maintaining order at the Garis borders. They are effectively divided into a series of internal branches in order to do so. The branches are as follows:

  • The GBP or Border Patrol ranges across Garis' vast land borders with particular attention paid to river crossings, from which the most traffic comes. The GPB is authorized to halt anyone from crossing into the Garis Triumvirate at will. Those they allow across may be subject to various fees or duties depending on what cargo or other contraband they might have on their persons.
  • The GCG or Coast Guard operate vessels on the Garis Triumvirate coast. They have roughly the same mandate as the Border Patrol, however they have further authorization to fire upon suspicious vessels if they resist interrogation.
  • The GEB or Export Bureau authorizes all exports from the Garis Triumvirate and issues Exit Visas, authorizing Garis Triumvirate citizens to leave the country. The Export Bureau has administrative offices in every coastal and river town with a port.

While the Garis Border Patrol is run by a heirachical structure with each branch having its own leader, the ultimate leadership of the GBP falls under the careful watch of Zhannur Timurlan, the triumvirate leader from the Ustemdik Region. The Garis Border Patrol is considered an extension of the Garis military which is nearly exclusively made up of Ustemdik.

The GPB on patrol.

Player Notes[edit]